Monzo Plus Events

Any news on another Monzo Plus exclusive event? Having recently moved to London, the events were a big selling point of signing up (almost as much as metal cards :wink:)

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - July

No unfortunately

When Tom Blomfield admitted Monzo had messed up the introduction of its paidā€“for account, perhaps he meant Monzo had way overā€“promised and underā€“delivered.

Merch? A page of stickers only some people received.

Events? Just the one event.

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Geez give it timeā€¦

I donā€™t think the OP was complaining. It was just a question, or thatā€™s how I interpreted it :man_shrugging:

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My post was flagged for some reason, but was mostly aimed at @j06 plus is early days and he was complaining (or appeared to be). I just implying that need to give time, the team have always said Plus accounts are evolving and will grow as a product.

The promised ā€˜extrasā€™ which were advertised to early adopters bordered on false advertising, in my opinion.

ā€˜Merch*ā€™ was profusely vague, but if it was only ever to be a page of stickers, then it should have stated ā€˜stickersā€™. Even then you only got these if you ordered a new card. Even then, only some people actually received them.

Events havenā€™t exactly been regular, and that has led to this whole thread being created.

Neither of which I signed up for, but even when I became interested in the coupons, I was quickly told by one of the suppliers that it was ā€œnew custom onlyā€, so if existing customers donā€™t get money off it seems I am paying Monzo Ā£36 a year only to be advertised to by the same companies which spam my Instagram feed on a regular basis and populate countless Google ā€œcouponā€ searches.

So, yeah, Iā€™d currently say the CEO was right, Monzo did bungle the launch.

Yeah, Iā€™ll ā€œGeez give it timeā€ but the longer Monzo takes to deliver those promised events, the more the Monzo Plus extras suck.

*Labelled as ā€˜Swagā€™.


As a matter of genuine interest, what would you expect to get from these events?

Well as they were given as an apparent perk to early adopters I did actually expect the events to be a sort of roadshow, small getā€“togethers across the UK to gather early feedback on the Plus product from people who wanted to use it. Hell staff couldā€™ve even given out some of the phantom ā€˜merchā€™ :joy:

By ā€œGeezā€ giving Monzo time, the longer events donā€™t materialise the more and more those perks become bad value for money because Monzo runs out of time in my year subscription for me to take advantage of them.


Hey Edwin!

Thanks for your question. At the moment, weā€™re not planning on any more Monzo Plus events in the London HQ. We might host more of the online Q&A livestreams that we did last month though.

Iā€™d be really interested to hear what youā€™d like to get out of a Monzo Plus event, if we were to host another one. What kind of content or event would make it worthwhile for you?


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For Ā£3 (or Ā£6) per month, werenā€™t people promised a different coloured debit card (questionable quality), merch (stickers) and invitations to exclusive Monzo Plus events? And now it turns out that it was a one-off event?! :astonished::thinking::zipper_mouth_face:


Hereā€™s what was advertised on the blog:

Hereā€™s what youā€™ll get today, as part of the core bundle:

  • A new Monzo Plus card (in a choice of Hot Coral or one of our new colours, Midnight Sky or Lagoon Blue)
  • A custom link
  • Exclusive access to Monzo Plus events and swag

I wonder if Monzo can fairly say that, with regards to the last point, early adopters received these.

Like I said earlier, it borders on false advertising.

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So, I canā€™t say there was one thing in particular I was looking for. Certainly a chance to see the office and meet some of the people behind Monzo, and find out more about how things work in general.

I guess also the events also just come with the undeniable superiority boost that monzo plus brings overall - with 2.5 million using monzo some of us want another way to stand out! So it adds to thatā€¦

As raised on this thread, some merch at the events would be nice, and maybe events along the lines of existing ones that are open to all, but just for monzo plus users. Oh and a chance to feed back on monzo plus of course!



Iā€™ve had zero swag too :man_shrugging:t3:


Hi @Sheri, I say this with the best of intentions (as a ā€œfull Monzoā€ customer), but when a pretty big chunk of the new ā€œpremiumā€ Monzo service is touted as ā€œExclusive swag and Eventsā€, it implies that these events have already been thought about and potentially planned.

There has been a lot of talk about ā€œworthā€ and how certain things hold different values to different people, but as of right now, it would appear that Monzo feels a custom URL and a suspiciously poor quality coloured card is worth Ā£72 per year?

If the advertised swag (which has since been clarified, doesnā€™t exist), and exclusive events (which have been put to one side), came to fruition, there could be some justification over the price tag.

For me, Monzo plus feels incredibly deceptive right now, and Iā€™d personally be very wary of trusting Monzo with future promises.

The vast majority (Iā€™d imagine) of Plus customers are likely to be big ā€œfansā€ of the bank. The kind of people who would genuinely love the opportunity to visit a Monzo exclusive event, and even receive a small amount of ā€œswagā€ - Whatever that may be.

I personally think Monzo should reconsider these events, because if Iā€™d just committed to Ā£72 for a Custom url, coloured card, swag and eventsā€¦ and only received half of thatā€¦ Iā€™d be super disappointed.


whilst I agree with most of your comments regarding Monzo plus ā€˜benefitsā€™ , does Monzo plus not open up things like more money available to withdraw abroad , travel insurance ā€¦etc ?? rather than just a monzo me and ā€˜specialā€™ card , of course at additional cost ā€¦ I would as Ive said prefer to see these add on benefits open to everybody to pick and choose what account benefit they want at a cost rather than having to shell out Ā£70 + the cost of the benefit - to me that would gain far more income for Monzo

I see what you are saying, but those are all additional costs, or things that can easily be had for free elsewhere (like foreign withdrawals and 1.5% interest).

When you look at other packaged accounts, the value is usually better than you can get elsewhere (obviously some exceptions, but itā€™s generally regarded that these packages can be loss leaders for the banks).

The ā€œcoreā€ of Monzo plus costs Ā£72 and offers virtually nothing (url and card).

If it was Ā£72 with 6 events and swag at each event, despite not going for it personally, I could see why people would.


yes I could see that some would want to attend these events , but maybe that would account for 1% of the customer base ( who knows how many ) whereas if relatively competitive phone , or house insurance was available without being a club member and paying the fee - that would , I assume appeal to a lot more people from the user base ?

Maybe time for a Monzo re think and reimburse Monzo plus customers and make the insurance offerings/ travel money increase available to all on a weekly / monthly / yearly basis ? after all it would only be a financial hub for all if everybody can access the offers ? I personally wouldnā€™t want to pay the 70 quid to access the offers , but I could see me using them if the offers were available to all


Oh 100%. I just assumed that Monzo Plus wouldnā€™t change itā€™s structure!

Agree that it would be great to be accessible to everyone!

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