Monzo Labs: Connected Credit Cards

I had been seeing mine after an admittedly iffy initial sign up process but the balance and any mention of Barclaycard seem to have vanished now for me from my accounts tab :roll_eyes:

MBNA would be good when you get a chance later on to add.

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This would be the single most useful feature for me as well.


My Barclaycard balance has appeared now which is great, but it took more like 24 hours to work.

Excellent news! :partying_face:

I have seen some people reporting a delay but not quite this long. At least it is sorted now though :slight_smile:

I don’t have a Barclaycard - but what’s the point if it’s not updated in real time?

I do have a Barclays account and they offer the option of seeing other banks in the app, but it’s also not updated in anywhere near real time so it’s kind of pointless if you use them regularly as you’re not getting an accurate reflection.

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Not trying to be spiky, but do you sit there for long periods watching your balance change?

I dip into my Monzo app maybe once or twice a day to check up how the individual notifications look together as a whole (and to correct names and logos and notes and the like)

That is a lot more often than I check my other accounts, so getting the picture from the same day sounds good to me (though I have cards from a different company to Barclays, so it will be a while yet)


Equally, when you do dip into your Monzo app, you expect the Monzo balance to be correct and not to have to correct later on in the day.

The same should apply to any balance within the app including ones like Barclaycard.


This is what I meant. Even if I check my account once a week, I’d want it to be accurate to that time otherwise it’s pointless checking. If I make several transactions then have a look to see what I’ve got left if want to be right then too.

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Unfortunately, this is a limit set by Barclaycard and TrueLayer.

Hopefully, the new credit card APIs, which are meant to be ready for November 2019 will allow instant balance updates and more (eg: instant transaction data).

However, I disagree that having the balance updated six times per day only makes the feature pointless. It makes the feature less useful than if the balance was updated instantly - it’s still pretty useful for people who don’t use their Credit Card regularly (eg: once a month or less).

Also, since there should be something saying “Updated X minutes ago”, you know that the balance was correct X minutes ago.


Even if they did, credit card companies would need to start providing instant balance updates for this to be useful. As far as I am aware, no currently available credit card provides instant balance updates even in their own app.

Unusually amongst credit cards, Amex and Tandem provide instant transaction notifications, but I think I’m right in saying that even for those the balance (credit used or remaining) does not get updated until the transaction clears one or two days later.


I use my Barclaycard for a 0% balance transfer only so having it quietly sitting at the bottom of the page is excellent. In saying that, if my regularly used Amex wasn’t showing a ‘live’ available balance I wouldn’t be that bothered about it. If I’m that desperate to view it in more detail I can log-in to the amex app in about 5 seconds.

Edit: But even then the app wouldn’t show ‘live’ balance as o99 alluded too above.

I think the main value will come if/when Monzo start integrating transactions from credit cards and if/when these get supported within Monzo’s spending analytics.

What’s happening at the moment seems like a little baby step.

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They haven’t sorted basic issues like this one [Android] Keyboard issue when moving money to pot or the option of weekly pay in summary yet. Maybe Monzo 3.0 will help.:smirk:

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Weirdly, my aqua rewards card updates very quickly, near real time, both payments in and out

That’s interesting. Do they update the balance when transactions appear or is that delayed until they have cleared?

The app has “Available to spend” and a “Current balance”.

Available to spend updates immediately, Current balance once transactions clear pending.

Whether repaying the card or using it to pay, the available balance has updated by the time I can log into the app.

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The Barclaycard blue placeholder seems to have disappeared from my app.


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I experienced the same. Then it reappeared. Then it disappeared. Then it reappeared. Since the latest Android beta, it seems to be consistently displayed.

Edit: And this morning it has gone again… :question::grey_question::question::grey_question:

I have Just connected my Barclaycard and it worked great. Although sometimes when I go into the Monzo App it will give me the add card welcome screen again and ask for my details although I have already connected my card and it’s working fine. I hope this feature stays as it’s useful to see what I owe without going back and forth to the Barclays app, it would be awesome to pay my card directly in Monzo too ;).