Monzo Job Posts 📢

Hey Kenneth,

We’d love to provide an experience like this for post-16 school leavers, especially for those who are exploring opportunities for personal and professional development as an alternative to further education or vocational training. What we could offer may not fit the conventional ‘apprenticeship’ mould, I think we’re still at the stage of figuring out how we can make this experience a valuable learning experience and an opportunity to encourage young talent to take their first steps to a career with our support and guidance. It’s something we discussed in lots of detail at the Sunny Side Up Brunch Workshop, you should take a look at the minutes if you have a chance!

The idea of partnering up with initiatives and organisations supporting young people in finding out more about ways to kick start their careers and further their education with hands-on experience in an industry setting. Beth may be able to elaborate on this a little! Again there were a few great suggestions on who would be good to reach out to from the community at the Brunch Workshop.