Monzo in the Media

I’m not sure why you think my post has been “crafted” in any way – it’s my genuine belief. Yes, there is an issue with toxicity on the forum from regulars.

But I also genuinely believe that the very same regulars can provide excellent feedback on product development when sought by specific Monzo teams who engage with the community.

I could also go and find the many “the new app layout is :poop:” comments from new users to quote but that wouldn’t be a good use of my time. Anyway, I’m out for now, got to catch up on Friday’s episode of Severance still.

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Enjoy. I’m planning to start the series shortly.

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Just watched it - made me chuckle :slight_smile:

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What’s so bad about the advert :thinking:

It’s literally just telling people about Monzo pots and Monzo’s money organisation stuff. Like, it’s really not that deep.


In my opinion, if it was two actual people actually talking about pots and their features, I wouldn’t mind it at all.

It’s the AI mouths and terrible voiceover and forced “humorous” situation onto a scene from a TV programme that ruins it.


The original clip is a bit of a MAFS moment, and the ad just uses that in a playful way.


Monzo appear to be sponsoring talkSPORT’s evening show for football transfer deadline day…


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So, for some reason, I’ve been getting loads of Monzo Business ads at the minute. I even just got one in GMail just now!

Has anyone else been having these adverts shown to them? Cuz I haven’t even looked at Monzo Business in the last 2 months :joy:

Is Monzo currently looking to expand their business account customers at the minute?

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did they forget the chip on that card?


You must be special. The chosen one.

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N26throwawaye said I was as well, so it must be true :joy:


Jo short for José Mourinho

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Massive push for business happening, and TalkSport is very much a station listened to by white van man, who run businesses, so a good fit.

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I’m getting bombarded with that on Gmail, YouTube and even Reddit. I think it just stalks us due to how active we are on this forum.

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