Right. So tell them that when you decline them. Instead of the BS we can’t tell you why. You definitely can tell them why in this circumstance.
Customers should also read the Terms and Conditions, the very thing they confirm they’ve read.
It’s not my job
For the avoidance of doubt (though I didn’t think it was needed), you = Monzo
That story is horseshit and the Telegraph know it. Scare quotes around ‘de-banked’, and prefacing the claim with “it is alleged”. This lets them write their hit piece and allows them plausible deniability if anyone complains (and they won’t care about any complaints as by that point the piece has done its job anyway).
The featured Apple Pay card for this news article.
image seems to be the hero from this page: Apple Pay - Express Mode - Apple (UK)
Still think Apple buys Monzo one day.
Given US prohibition for banking and non-banking conglomerate I highly doubt it. Even their existing ventures are questioned already in US.
I worked closely with Alex Fox, he’s a good 'un.
Best of luck to them on this venture!
In the USA on the other hand there is probably no such legislation in place as they enjoy the freedom to have less privacy.
Love that comment, yeah, they sure do. they also have the freedom to pay massive bills for a couple hours in hospital
Oh God
It’s has to be a social media genius who knows that writing your instead of you’re will get a million responses.
Sloppy… seems to be an emerging trend…
Unless it’s a pun on your ready as in your money which seems a bit unlikely…
Welcome back.
Monzo is making a new dictionary.