🇪🇸 Monzo in Spain [Wiki]

They are, but the rate isn’t brilliant, not sure they charge the MasterCard rate.


I was charged €2 in Seville last week. This was a Caixa ATM. R-

Don’t use Santander, they charge €5!

Good advice, but should’ve read this first.

On the other hand, if you are a customer with a 123 account, it’s free.

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Fred CB

This reminds me of National Ed Balls day


CAIXA BANK in Valencia are now charging €2 per cash withdrawal

The charge is added to the total amount of monies being withdrawn from the ATM

Have tried several CAIXA branches and each time the same amount of money is charged per withdrawal

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Hi everyone,

I am in the Canary Islands right now, and my experience with attempting to withdraw cash was:

BBVA - charge of €1.87
Cajamar - the wiki says no fee, but the machine said it would charge me €1.85
Cajasiete - €1.85 withdrawal fee
Banco Sabadell - €1.90 withdrawal fee

Banca March - beautifully fee-free. :grinning:
Abanco - also fee-free!

Also, can definitely confirm that the exchange rate the bank ATMs will give you is definitely worse than the one Monzo uses. Even on the Banca March one, which says it takes 0% commission, it was going to give me €20 for £19, and I declined it and what actually got charged to my Monzo account was €20 for £16.

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I wasn’t charged for a Basic Account (I refuse to pay to use an account) and I think all Santander withdrawals from a Santander ATM are free. They seem to log into a different screen when you insert your card. I really struggled to find a free ATM elsewhere in Spain.

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Santander now charges 7€ to withdraw using Monzo. Checked less than 30 mins ago.

I’m heading to Majorca in a couple of months and trying to work out the best way to use my money, when withdrawing money from An ATM is it best to select it in euros or pounds? Just wondering if I select pounds will I get the mastercard exchange rate?

Hi Gemma - worth a couple of minutes to look at this advice - I was in mallorca last year and a few bars / restaurants asked if I wanted to pay in euros or GBP at the POS terminal - always choose euros - short answer - ATMs always choose euros

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As Ian has said, euros all the way, I went to Tenerife earlier in Jan, and got £1 = €1.17 out of choosing euros at ATMs and for card transactions, however, one of my friends got €1.05 when they accidentally chose GBP.

If you select EUR, you get the Mastercard rate, as Monzo does the conversion for you. If you choose GBP, the merchant (or their bank) chooses their own (usually considerably inferior) exchange rate instead.


Good lord! :open_mouth:

In Torviscas/Adeje recently many ATMs charge for withdrawals esp Euronet which I’ve seen asking nearly €4! but some names which seem fee free are Banca Marcha and any with Targabank on them. You don’t always find out until the very end of a transaction but I’ve always had time to just hit ‘cancel’ and try elsewhere :+1:

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I believe contactless Mastercards (and by extension Monzo) are accepted in Madrid busses.

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That €7 Santander fee is eye-watering!

Those kind of fees make the likes of Euronet look good.

Targobank is free, not many branches available.

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Also Unicaja Banco don’t charge fee.


Bankinter now charge 4€ for a 500€ withdraw.