Don’t know about you, but this thread has been circling the drain for about a day and half…
It has been since its inception
Yep. And they’ll discuss it with the Ombudsman, who will decide whether or not Monzo are acting within the regulations.
It’s dying down though which is good and no new topics about it recently either. Which is probably what Monzo are waiting for.
I think you’re almost certainly right, however I don’t think that should put anyone off referring the matter to the FOS. If enough customers do it, the FOS will perhaps address the trend.
I’ve taken a rejected complaint to them before and – while I was ultimately unsuccessful – I was pleased with their response as it was clear they’d looked into the matter thoroughly and I felt much more confident in their decision as an independent arbitrator.
I am sure they’ll look into the complaints but I don’t think there’s a trend to address. All banks do it, Monzo just attract the kind of customers who are more likely to turn to social media if it happens
Nothing ventured and all that.
Well all I would say there is that when a customer becomes ‘hassle’, a business is in a bad place and its also very much off brand.
I appreciate we are all speculating but if the poster above is correct then it’s probably best there’s transparency as to why.
I would anticipate there are many (possibly too many) usage profiles of Monzo customers. Not specifically related to this topic but I am very conscious I have dropped to the bottom wrung The direct debits I had with monzo stopped (i ended/consolidated the services) , my salary doesn’t go there and I have yet to see value in plus /premium. I have subconsciously through some Monzo comms and this thread begun to feel like I’m about to be relegated from the football league.
Now I understand basic economics but I’m not sure that’s a good way to have any customer’s feel intentionally or otherwise. I am prepared to subscribe to new monzo accounts for example… I actually wanted to get on board with plus but again the value thing was an issue. I’m not running some sort of charitable service but I think I and others like me are customers that a service should want to have in their target
Just don’t have high expectations. Instead find a bank to switch to ASAP
16 posts were split to a new topic: Financial Ombudsman Service decisions
I have split out the discussions about Financial Ombudsman Service decisions from the link the FOS website by @anon75400416 onwards to a new topic as they are a mixture of mad, interesting, and revealing, but a bit off topic here and moving much faster than the account closing discussion now (thankfully!)
Please do continue such comments there!
Monzo responded to my email
Did it give an answer or was it just a standard response??
It might just be a generic response or them reiterating their stance on “Not telling you nothing”
So they’ll tell you something?
Im conused where you got “them telling me something”?
“We aren’t in the office right now. We’ll reply in April.”
Double negative
My pet hate. My mother does it all the time