Monzo giving two months’ notice of account closures

I never got any warning whatsoever and my tax residency has always been UK

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Thanks for confirming! If I recall correctly, these tax residency requests were sent out via email and were quite some time ago so could have been easily missed and forgotten about.

It does make you wonder about location and residency, as we’re less than 2 months left before the next tax year. I’m not suggesting all closures are because of this, but it may be significantly increasing the number of accounts being closed in a concentrated time period.


yeah I have also been getting pop ups very recently on my Santander app. 2 of which I’ve ignored because it hasn’t suited and I just needed to do something. I best watch that. Monzo did it a long time ago… I think I had something in app from them

For Santander it did explicitly say after a while they may “block me”. I took that to mean it would just be mandatory to complete the form before proceeding in app so I thought “I’ll do it then”. I need to be better :blush:

In the past, yes. Usually with an explanation that satisfied most, however generic or inconclusive it may have been. The interaction on here used to be stellar, and from people who were actually ‘in the know’ so to speak, even if at times it was a lot of words that actually said very little. As you will know it’s only recently that poor Barry or Bethany who have only been at Monzo for a month and know little more than some of the longer term forum members have stepped into the void to try and provide some noise from Monzo to the forum, even if not particularly useful.


If that happened now, however good their intentions, it would just get torn apart and this topic would explode with even crazier theories and anger directed at the poor person who thought that they were helping.

Unless someone can explain exactly what’s going on, (which I think we’re all in agreement that they can’t) it’s probably best that they don’t say anything.


I tend to agree @Ordog. It was just a rather striking difference I thought it was worth highlighting, but you’re likely not wrong, times change and saying nothing is perhaps a wiser course of action.

Which then leads to more anger and people like myself searching Google and then landing here.

If Monzo did the decent thing and just explained then I and others would not be left wondering, also if it was not anything illegal what would be the harm?

As far as I can see it (based on what I have now seen on here) it seems people claiming UC/JSA have had the 2 month closure warning, had they made contact with me direct and asked how i was or been a kinder/caring bank that the others on the TV advertise to be they would have seen that I will thankfully be starting new employment next week therefore coming off UC/JSA and getting a higher wage which would have been paid in to Monzo.


I don’t think there’s any basis for linking it to UC/JSA. I recall at least one person who claimed to have been doing exactly what Monzo want (salary in, and bills and spending out).

I don’t know what it is, but I really don’t think it’s that.


If they said what it is, would you then say “I won’t do that anymore?” Obviously depending what it is, but it then gets into a whole messy situation of “but I promise!!” Or denying it or trying to make excuses for doing it.

Frustrating as this is, I can see why they are doing it this way.


Not often, then again other banks are profitable. It’s not fraud or AML related so presumably he just doesn’t fit their risk or desired customer profile any more. A high street bank will happily keep unprofitable customers because they’re making billions and you might become profitable for them some day. There’s also more of an expectation on the big banks, they’re seen as closer to a public utility by many (hence basic banks accounts which always lose the banks money).

I would guess that Monzo are tightening their risk appetite and/or desired customer profile to get through the lean times.

But if I did nothing other then use my account in a normal way how can I promise not to do something again?

I have not touched bitcoin, only made the odd transfer to friends or family for small amounts and they were on Monzo anyway, never really take out cash, had the same card for ages basically nothing that would warrant this.

Only change is being made redundant and then having to claim and I can not ever promise that will not happen again.

If it was dodgy then I would have guessed my account would be closed straight away like I have seen happening on here, the 2 months just seems like I have done nothing wrong they just don’t like the change.


To you it’s completely normal and it may be that it’s an accumulation of normal things that has caused this. None of us know, I’m just guessing (again)

But Monzo explaining why will lead to a back and forth and more hassle that they don’t want.

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Probably no more “back and forth” that is already being done by keeping their customers in dark and having them raise disputes/appeals.


Which they are sending templates for and/or ignoring.

But as we’ve already seen, people then contact Monzo to find out why or get the decision reviewed

I predict a boilerplate reply saying that the decision is final and won’t be discussed.


Until a complaint goes in to the Financial Ombudsman

You’d have to direct it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) rather than the FCA if you’re unhappy with Monzo’s reply. Monzo will refer you to the FOS as well if they haven’t already.

They’re independent so they’ll investigate your complaint and Monzo’s response and make a decision.

Even then. If you think the FOS will side with you, I have some bad news for you. They will side with Monzo because they have a right to close your account and they’re not doing anything wrong (as far as the FOS are concerned; they don’t really look at ethics/morals, just cold, hard facts)

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