Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

I was part way through doing it and got distracted - no spoilers! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Version 4.1.0 (61.97 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - Now you can take total control of your spending by paying on card, from a Pot. It’s exclusive to Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium.
You do you – A Pot for bills, a Pot for nights out, a Pot for holidays. Separate and spend however you like.
No more overspending – Pay bills directly from Pots so they’re always separate from your everyday spending, and you never miss a payment.
For wherever you are – Total control of your spending wherever you’d use your Monzo card.

New Strings:

<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_body">"Set money aside for particular things and then pay for them taking the money directly from your dedicated Pot.

Great for keeping your bills money separate from your day-to-day spending, or for limiting how much you spend on certain things, like going out or takeaways."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_title">Pay direct from a Pot</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_body">"You can pay bills that are classed as Direct Debits and standing orders without needing Monzo Plus or Monzo Premium.

Do this by:
finding your payments in the scheduled section of the payments tab and selecting a Pot
selecting the payments you want to set money aside for from the Pot itself.

When a Direct Debit or standing order’s due, we’ll move the money needed from the Pot into your available balance and pay from there.

If there’s not enough money in your Pot we’ll move as much as we can from your Pot and then pay the difference from your available balance. If there’s still not enough to cover it, the payment will decline or you will go into your arranged overdraft, if you have one."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_title">Paying Direct Debits and standing orders from a Pot</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_body">"To make card payments for things like Netflix and Spotify, or payments on the go using Apple Pay and Google Pay, you need to be signed up to Monzo Plus or Monzo Premium.

That’s because paying on card from a Pot works using virtual cards, which are exclusive to Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_title">Paying on card from a Pot</string>

<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all">All accounts and Pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all_pots">All Pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider">%1$s accounts and Pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider_pots">%1$s Pots</string>

<string name="pay_from_pot_virtual_card_upsell_message">Make card payments for things like Netflix and Spotify direct from this Pot. Exclusive to Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium.</string>

<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_and_charity_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll stop donations to %2$s.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_and_virtual_cards_message">"We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too.

We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments."</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay bills from there too.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_charity_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and stop donations to %3$s.</string>

<string name="pot_close_confirmation_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_bills_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_charity_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and stop donations to %3$s. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_virtual_cards_message">"We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and cancel scheduled recurring payments

We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments."</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_charity_and_virtual_cards_message">"We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and donations to %3$s.

We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments."</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_charity_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and donations to %3$s.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_virtual_cards_message">"We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too.

We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and we’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments."</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and stop scheduled payments being made from or to the Pot.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_virtual_cards_message">"We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance.

We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments."</string>
<string name="pot_close_savings_confirmation_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance by 5pm the next working day.</string>
<string name="pot_close_savings_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance by 5pm the next working day and cancel any scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_bills_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay bills from there too. We’ll stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_recurring_and_bills_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and pay bills from there too. We’ll stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax and cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll archive %1$s and move the %2$s in it back into your available balance and stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>

<string name="pot_lock_virtual_cards_warning_dialog_message">Because you’re using it to make payments from.</string>
<string name="pot_lock_virtual_cards_warning_dialog_title">You can’t lock this Pot</string>

<string name="vc_list_subtitle">An alternative to using your physical card’s details that’s great for managing free trials and paying directly from Pots.</string>

Removed Strings:

<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_four_body">Unfortunately Bills Pots won’t work for other kinds of payments, like Netflix or Spotify subscriptions. We hope to be able to do this in future though!</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_four_title">This only works for Direct Debits and standing orders</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_body">Pay bills from Pots, so you can keep your bill money separate from your spending money and never accidentally overspend.</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_title">Bills from Pots</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_body">We’ll take as much as we can from the Pot and then take the difference from your available balance. If there’s still not enough to cover it, the payment will bounce or you’ll go into your overdraft, if you have one (that’s the same as if you were paying from your main balance and didn’t have enough money in your account).</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_title">If you don’t have enough in your Pot</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_body">"Find your bills in the Scheduled section of your Payments tab, then pick a Pot to pay from. Make sure you’ve got enough money in the Pot to cover the bills for that month, and that’s it!

When it’s time to pay, we’ll automatically take the money from your Pot and pay the bill. You don’t need to do anything."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_title">How to pay a bill from a Pot</string>

<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all">All accounts and pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all_pots">All pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider">%1$s accounts and pots</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider_pots">%1$s pots</string>

<string name="pay_from_pot_virtual_card_upsell_message">You can pay for subscriptions and one-off purchases from Pots using virtual cards. Exclusive to Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium.</string>

<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_and_charity_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll stop donations to %2$s.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_and_virtual_cards_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_bills_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and pay bills from there too.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_charity_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and stop donations to %2$s.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_bills_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_charity_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and stop donations to %2$s. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_and_virtual_cards_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and cancel scheduled recurring payments. We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_charity_and_virtual_cards_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and donations to %2$s. We’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_charity_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and donations to %2$s.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_bills_and_virtual_cards_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and pay any bills from there too. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments and we’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and stop scheduled payments being made from or to the Pot.</string>
<string name="pot_close_confirmation_virtual_cards_message">We’ll move %1$s back into your available balance and we’ll also delete any virtual cards that pay from this Pot, so you may need to update your billing details for some payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_savings_confirmation_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance by 5pm the next working day.</string>
<string name="pot_close_savings_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance by 5pm the next working day and cancel any scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_bills_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and pay bills from there too. We’ll stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_recurring_and_bills_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and pay bills from there too. We’ll stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax and cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>
<string name="pot_close_tax_confirmation_recurring_message">We’ll move %s back into your available balance and stop setting a percentage of your income aside for tax. We’ll cancel scheduled recurring payments.</string>

<string name="vc_list_subtitle">Create a virtual debit card to keep your real card details hidden. Even set an auto-delete date so you can easily manage free trials.</string>

New IDs

<item type="id" name="searchViewOld" />

<item type="id" name="sortCodeTextView" />
<item type="id" name="sortCodeViewGroup" />

Removed IDs:

<item type="id" name="accountNumberTextView" />
<item type="id" name="accountNumberViewGroup" />

New Assets:
icn_general_checkmark (it’s white)

icn_action_remove (it’s white)

icn_action_add (it’s white)

Changed Assets:


Deleted Assets:

fps logo

hot chip pencil

ic friends checkbox off

ic included

Monzo heart



What’s it take to get some Monzo loving :eyes:

Edit - nothing, just realised it’s under deleted :broken_heart:



Bills payments directly from pots!

And… a master feed? :eyes:

(Or is this Trends :thinking:)

It’s probably Trends, isn’t it?

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I’m assuming Trends too.

But here’s hoping for the future :crossed_fingers:

Bills directly from pots is cool tho! Aligning the DD/SO and virtual card payments makes a lot of sense to me.

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Something someting JOINT ACCOUNT PARITY something.



I think it’s just a restructure of the language entries :point_down:


Anyone getting problems with Trends with the latest update? Am getting a something went wrong error :disappointed:


Yeah, I’m getting this on the new :android: 4.2.0 beta:

Trying every fews mins, but just the same. It’s broked.


At least it’s not just me :+1::crazy_face:

Yeah got the issue, wounder how long it will take for 4.2.1 to be released

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I’ve reported it via in-app chat.


I can see the Trends screen but get the error message on top:

I can tap through but the message keeps coming up…

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Just to invoke @nexusmaniac or @AlanDoe

:rotating_light: Beta down, repeat beta down :rotating_light:


Monzo has fallen, I repeat, Monzo has fallen

Not broken on iOS TestFlight :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Will hang fire on the teardown so we don’t detract from the issue at hand. #prayformonzo


Maybe it’s related to the big cat issue?

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Working for anyone else now?

(I think someone might have twiddled a back end knob).

That back-end knob has certainly been twiddled :sweat_drops:

Trends running for me again now :smile: relieved