Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Version 3.90.0 (61.09 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - We’ve been working on some routine maintenance this week to make sure your Monzo app is performing at the top of its game. More updates coming soon, though.

New Strings:

<string name="add_money_option_ach_pull_desc">Link your other bank accounts to Monzo and make easy transfers</string>

<string name="becs_mandate_acceptance">" By providing your bank account details and confirming this payment, you agree to this Direct Debit Request and the &lt;a href=>Direct Debit Request service agreement&lt;/a>, and authorise Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 Direct Debit User ID number 507156 (“Stripe”) to debit your account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) on behalf of %1$s (the Merchant) for any amounts separately communicated to you by the Merchant. You certify that you are either an account holder or an authorised signatory on the account listed above. "</string>

<string name="business_signup_cardorder_address_access_help_title">Update your delivery address later</string>

<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_1">Ensure that your account details (emails and phone number) in the app are up to date</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_2">Withdraw any money left in your account, including Pots</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_3">Pay back any money you’ve borrowed, like an overdraft or loan</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_4">Resolve any transaction disputes</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_5">Move your Direct Debits and scheduled payments to your new bank</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_6">Settle any payment requests or Shared Tabs</string>

<string name="email_entry_sign_in_subtitle">Enter the email address associated with your account.</string>
<string name="email_entry_sign_up_subtitle">Enter the email address that you’d like to use to sign in to Monzo.</string>
<string name="email_hint">Email address</string>

<string name="get_paid_all_requests_toolbar_subtitle">%s created</string>
<string name="get_paid_all_requests_toolbar_title">All requests</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_contextual_info_action">Info</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_show_all_n">Show all %s</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_cancelled">Cancelled</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_draft">Draft</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due">Due</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due_today">Due today</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due_tomorrow">Due tomorrow</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_overdue">Overdue</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_paid">Paid</string>

<string name="idv_document_capture_retake_button">Retake picture</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_body_header">We can accept your passport, national ID, full or provisional driving licence, or a UK Biometric Residence Permit. Make sure that:</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_security_info">We’ll encrypt your info and store it securely, and only use it to verify your identity.</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_title">First you’ll need to take a picture of a valid photo ID</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_biometric_residence_permit">UK biometric residence permit (BRP)</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_driving">Driving licence</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_national_id">National identity card</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_question">Which kind of ID would you like to use?</string>
<string name="idv_video_capture_retake_button">Retake video</string>

<string name="login_email_error_not_found_action">Open an account</string>
<string name="login_email_error_not_found_description">Sorry, we didn’t recognise this email address. Did you mistype it or do you want to open a new account?</string>

<string name="missing_link_body">Check your address is right – mistakes happen! If it isn’t, go back a screen and try again. If it is correct:</string>
<string name="missing_link_instructions">"Wait 10 minutes. Sometimes emails can be delayed.
Check your Spam folder (and mark it as ‘Not Spam’ if it’s there).
Re-send the email with the button below.
If none of that works, email from the same email you just registered with us, and we’ll help you out."</string>
<string name="missing_link_subtitle">"We’ve sent an email to
<string name="missing_link_subtitle_no_email">We’ve sent you an email</string>
<string name="missing_link_title">I didn’t get my email</string>

<string name="multi_account_selector_content_description">Change accounts</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_subtitle">%1$d of %2$d selected</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_subtitle_updating">Updating…</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all">All accounts</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_loading">Loading…</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider">%1$s accounts</string>

<string name="nav_pay">Pay</string>

<string name="profile_creation_legal_name_hint">Full legal name (including middle)</string>
<string name="profile_creation_legal_name_info_title">Full legal name (including middle)</string>

<string name="sms_send_description">What mobile phone number would you like to use on your account?</string>
<string name="sms_verification_description">We’ve sent a verification code via SMS to %s, please enter it here.</string>

<string name="tax_residency_declaration_primary_button">Confirm declaration</string>

<string name="we_just_sent_an_email">We just sent an email to</string>
<string name="we_just_sent_an_email_fallback">We just sent you an email</string>

<string name="welcome_onboarding_open_account">Open an account</string>

Removed Strings:

<string name="add_money_option_ach_pull_desc">Link your bank and transfer within the Monzo app</string>

<string name="becs_mandate_acceptance">By providing your bank account details and confirming this payment, you agree to this Direct Debit Request and the &lt;a href=>Direct Debit Request service agreement&lt;/a>, and authorise Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 Direct Debit User ID number 507156 (“Stripe”) to debit your account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) on behalf of %1$s (the Merchant) for any amounts separately communicated to you by the Merchant. You certify that you are either an account holder or an authorised signatory on the account listed above.</string>

<string name="business_signup_cardorder_address_access_help_title">Update your delivery  address later</string>

<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_1">Withdraw any money left in your account, including Pots</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_2">Pay back any money you’ve borrowed, like an overdraft or loan</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_3">Resolve any transaction disputes</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_4">Move your Direct Debits and scheduled payments to your new bank</string>
<string name="close_account_need_to_do_bullet_5">Settle any payment requests or Shared Tabs</string>

<string name="email">Email</string>
<string name="email_entry_sign_in_subtitle">Enter the email address associated with your account</string>
<string name="email_entry_sign_up_subtitle">Enter the email address that you’d like to use to sign in to Monzo</string>

<string name="idv_document_capture_retake_button">Retake photo</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_body_header">Like your passport, driving licence, or national ID, checking that:</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_security_info">Pictures will be encrypted, stored securely, and only ever used to verify your identity</string>
<string name="idv_document_intro_title">Take a picture of a valid photo ID</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_biometric_residence_permit">UK biometric residence permit</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_driving">Driving Licence</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_national_id">National ID</string>
<string name="idv_document_type_question">Which form of ID would you like to use?</string>
<string name="idv_video_capture_retake_button">Try again</string>

<string name="login_email_error_not_found_action">Create an account</string>
<string name="login_email_error_not_found_description">Sorry, we didn’t recognise this email address. Did you mistype it or do you want to create a new account?</string>

<string name="missing_link_body">"We’ve sent an email to %1$s. Check your email is definitely correct. It can be very easy to mistype!

If your email still hasn’t arrived:"</string>
<string name="missing_link_body_no_email">We’ve sent you an email, but if your email still hasn’t arrived:</string>
<string name="missing_link_help"></string>
<string name="missing_link_instruction_gmail">In Gmail, check your Promotions folder (and please move them into your main folder).</string>
<string name="missing_link_instructions">"Wait for 10 minutes. Sometimes your email provider will delay the email arriving in your inbox.
Check your Spam folder (and please mark it as ‘Not Spam’).
Try re-sending the email using the button below.
If none of that works, email us at %1$s from your registered email address and we’ll get you going."</string>
<string name="missing_link_label">Login email</string>
<string name="missing_link_title">I didn’t get a login email</string>

<string name="profile_creation_legal_name_hint">Full legal name</string>
<string name="profile_creation_legal_name_info_title">Full legal name</string>

<string name="sms_send_description">Please enter the mobile number you’d like to use with your account</string>
<string name="sms_verification_description">We’ve sent a verification code via SMS to %s, please enter it here</string>

<string name="tax_residency_declaration_primary_button">Confirm Declaration</string>

<string name="we_just_sent_an_email">We’ve sent an email to</string>
<string name="we_just_sent_an_email_fallback">We’ve sent you an email</string>

<string name="welcome_onboarding_create_account">Create an account</string>

New IDs

<item type="id" name="emailNextButton" />

Removed IDs


New Assets:
icn_qr_code (it’s white)

Changed Assets:








Deleted Assets:



It’s mainly lots of re-wording around the closure, opening and signing up for new accounts.

The new stuff is as follows:

New Strings

<string name="multi_account_selector_content_description">Change accounts</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_subtitle">%1$d of %2$d selected</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_subtitle_updating">Updating…</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_all">All accounts</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_loading">Loading…</string>
<string name="multi_account_selector_title_single_provider">%1$s accounts</string>

<string name="nav_pay">Pay</string>

<string name="get_paid_all_requests_toolbar_subtitle">%s created</string>
<string name="get_paid_all_requests_toolbar_title">All requests</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_contextual_info_action">Info</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_show_all_n">Show all %s</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_cancelled">Cancelled</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_draft">Draft</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due">Due</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due_today">Due today</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_due_tomorrow">Due tomorrow</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_overdue">Overdue</string>
<string name="get_paid_payment_request_status_paid">Paid</string>

The mention of BECS is interesting, because I thought that was something used in Australia for payments? :eyes: Is Monzo expanding?

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Sorry, we didn’t recognise this email address. Did you mistype it or do you want to create a new account?

This looks like it may stop a lot of people coming to the forum asking why they can’t sign in. An extra check before sending them to the new account flow.


Is that charity pot logo new or was it added ages ago?

It’s not new, it is “modified”.

I think they’ve just compressed all those images as part of tidying up.

I can see that @davidwalton mentioned it was modified back in November last year too.

Hang on I’ll fish out the old one to see if I can see any differences

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This is going to be a really bad game of spot the difference. I can’t see any :laughing: File size and type is the same too… So probably subtle shading or shadow change?




It’s not new either unfortunately. Mr @davidwalton also uncovered it back in August last year.

It’s just a reword where they’ve removed a quotation mark :pensive:

You never know though!


3.100 or 4.00 next? Looking forward to finding out

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By the looks of it, I was thinking 3.91 next!


In my experience you’d only jump up to 4.0.0 if it was a huge release :crossed_fingers:

Otherwise it will be 3.91.0.


I misread it as 3.99. Derp. Point otherwise stands though (eventually). I too reckon that it’ll go to 101, but due a tickover at some point!


4.0.0 will have dark mode and credit pots. Personal and Joint accounts will be at parity and Plus/Premium available on both. Along with the ability to pay from a pot directly, it will also reintroduce Monzo points with a weekly free Greggs sausage/vegan roll.

It’s coming home.




You’re just like Elon Musk - dreaming big, but barely right /s

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how the hell will credit pots work…



:rotating_light: 3.91.0 :rotating_light:


Version 3.91.0 (61.16 MB) :tada::tada::tada: - More maintenance and building below the surface this week. We’ve got a nice queue of announcements lined up for the next few months though, stay tuned.

New Strings:

<string name="invoice_created_payment_link_button">Payment link</string>
<string name="invoice_created_payment_link_label">View your payment link:</string>
<string name="invoices_home_action_create_invoice">Create a new invoice</string>
<string name="invoices_home_action_drafts_label">Continue editing</string>
<string name="invoices_home_toolbar_title">Invoices</string>

<string name="nav_trends">Trends</string>

Removed Strings:


New IDs

<item type="id" name="buttonsFooterCircleIndicator" />

<item type="id" name="interstitialLoadingContainer" />

<item type="id" name="invoiceButtonIcon" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceButtonTextView" />

<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedPaymentLinkButton" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedPaymentLinkGroup" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedPaymentLinkLabel" />
<item type="id" name="invoiceCreatedPaymentLinkTextView" />

<item type="id" name="nav_trends" />

<item type="id" name="paidUpgradeButtonsFooter" />

<item type="id" name="planOverviewDescription" />
<item type="id" name="planOverviewHeadlineBenefits" />
<item type="id" name="planOverviewHighlights" />
<item type="id" name="planOverviewSubtitle" />

<item type="id" name="titleShadow" />

<item type="id" name="tourLoadingContainer" />

Removed IDs

<item type="id" name="designButtonsFooterCircleIndicator" />
<item type="id" name="designButtonsFooterCircleIndicator3" />

<item type="id" name="invoiceDownloadButtonTextView" />

<item type="id" name="paidUpgradeCompareButton" />
<item type="id" name="paidUpgradeContinueButton" />

<item type="id" name="planOverviewSubscription" />
<item type="id" name="planOverviewSummary" />
<item type="id" name="planOverviewTagline" />

New Assets:


Changed Assets:
ICN General QR Code (it’s white)

Deleted Assets:


Just noticed, since the 3.91.0 update, ‘Payments’ and ‘Premium’ (for Premium users, probably ‘Plus’ for Plus users) have swapped places on the bottom bar.

It’s now shown as (left-to-right): Home Premium Payments Help



Just updated, ditto for Plus users on :android: – Home Plus Payments Help

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