Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog 🕵

Real Changelog Time :wink:

Flux logo has been fixed :boom: The spacing was all off, now it’s much better :sunglasses:

(Left old, right new)

Closely related is the ic_receipt_footer.png which goes along with Flux :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This will eventually sit at the bottom of the transaction (as far as I can tell) to symbolise a receipt :receipt:

Pay Anyone icon has been re-added :raised_hands: Keep an eye out for that in the app soon :tm:


Read more that feature here :grin:

Big green question mark has been removed :eyes:


If memory serves, this was used on a Pay Anyone screen… I guess it wasn’t required for the release version :grin:

Finally… The really killer feature :hot_coral_heart:

<string name="card_number_fingerprint_auth_subtitle">Confirm fingerprint to see your card number</string>
<string name="card_number_fingerprint_auth_title">See card number</string>


Ability to view your PAN (16-digit card number) in the app :heart_eyes:

It’s not ready yet (grr, FeatureFlags!) but damn that’s cool! :sunglasses: