I think it would be awesome as Monzo is so community driven to show how you have helped build the community.
EG: I give my manager a golden ticket.
Recruited: 1 Person
EG: Manager then gives his wife a golden ticket.
Recruited: 1 Person, Influenced: 1 Person.
For myself personally I know I’ve given away 6-8 golden tickets, and I know of at least 5-6 people who have had tickets from people I’ve passed on. So I’ve personally helped 11-14 join Monzo. I feel like a “Monzo family tree” style report either in App or Via email would be a great way to encourage the community to recruit! Maybe even add a leaderboard or similar?
I imagined it could possibly show you the names of who you had given a ticket to, then for the extensions down the line it would say ‘1 other’, ‘2 other’ and so on… It doesn’t reflect at all anything other than showing you how you helped it grow, I feel like insentives to get people to join is a whole other idea, which I personally have no interest in, but isn’t linked to this. This is sort of just a FYI or ‘read only’ idea.