Monzo Dissertation Research

Hi Monzo!

My names Beth and I am a 4th year International Business Management undergraduate in Aberdeen. Having used Monzo since mid-2017 it became clear to me that Monzo would be a great topic to look into as part of my undergraduate dissertation.

I need your help. I am researching the choice factors which impact bank selection, to try and determine how banks like Monzo can gain even more customers. As part of this I am looking for people to answer this survey:

The questionnaire will take less than 5 minutes to complete , it consists of 11 multiple-choice questions – no typing necessary . Perfect to complete on your lunch break, on your commute or right now.

I would also appreciate it if you could send it to anyone else you know who uses Monzo - the more responses I receive the better my research report will be.

If you have any questions regarding the research please don’t hesitate to contact me via the community or via email at




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Thank you!


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Done :slight_smile:

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Done - on the who is your current account with i had to choose other - I use a legacy bank for salary/mortgage etc… but Monzo for my day to day other activity - may be worth considering an option for that kind of scenario as there will be many people in a similar position…

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Done! XD

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I selected other on current account as not sure what defines a current account

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Done :slight_smile:

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