Monzo Case Study


Im doing a case study on Monzo for my masters dissertation, basically comparing how its so much better to use than a traditional high street bank.

If anyone has any spare time to complete it would be much appreciated, Thank you. Link will be attached below.


Won’t you end up with only bias answers that affirm your position?

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its been shared across all my social media platforms also, but my target audience are Monzo users as i am trying to asssess why consumers prefer Monzo, so bias answers are kind of the point.


Done :slight_smile:

Done! Good luck with your Masters.

Thank you both very much!

Ah ok, filled it in. You go to the same uni I went to.

Hey Laura :wave:t2:

I’ve completed for you - hope it all goes well!

Couple of things I thought it might be worth to mention!

  • “Main” Bank Account can be a hard thing to determine - it may be worth exploring that further (even newspapers have differing opinions!)
  • Slight typo in Q5 - “open Baning”

Good luck with the paper!

Good luck with your survey and course.

Complete :+1: Good luck with your masters.

Done :+1:


I have completed the survey for you

done :+1:

Done :+1:

Done :+1:

Done! Good luck with the masters - brilliant idea, I’m sure you’ll do great!

I’ve not long completed a Masters, one advice which helped me persevere through the dissertation… “treat everything chunk by chunk, step by step”…