Yes that is an interesting take on it. It would be interesting to see if this is the strict protocol they need to follow. It doesn’t really help when you have been through a situation like this. Its like talking to a bot. Thank you
It helps keep things clear and concise though, they are just trying to get to the facts. They can show some compassion and maybe that slows things down and seems impersonal to some?
I’m confident you’ll get your money back, it doesn’t help you right now when it’s stressful but try and stay positive.
Thank you for the positivity… Must stay positive!
Yeah, is totally understandable, but I imagine this is one of those things where it needs to be cold and formal to just make sure everything is done properly. Take it one step at a time and stick with it and hopefully it won’t be too drawn out
I really don’t think there is any need for anything to be cold or lacking in compassion. I deal with not dissimilar things and it’s possible to follow procedures and processes while still being human about it. Even the police are nice to victims in interviews (even if the victim is under suspicion). It takes a few seconds to warm a pre-generated response up with a few personal remarks before sending and it makes all the difference
Update, day 9. Yesterday the Monzo fraud prevention team contacted me to tell me they had finished looking into my case. They feel I took the necessary steps to check who I was paying but I still fell victim to a scam. They have reimbursed me in full.
I am so happy! Thank you Monzo for coming to this conclusion.
I have asked Monzo the question if the reimbursement was my money which was recovered from the scammers bank. Monzo haven’t responded yet, but I really hope it was.
Please remember Monzo never call you out the blue. They will send you a message via the in-app chat to let you know they plan to call you.
Thank you to everyone in this community for your support, It really did mean a lot.
All the best,
Glad to hear it all worked out well!
Chance is it wasn’t as money is hard to recover once sent.
They said reimbursed, not recovered. It won’t be your money they got back.