Spotify nope’d out
Actually the PayByPhone addition could be quite useful for when I’m desperately trying to find signal to pay for parking in the middle of nowhere.
Useful for Android head units too.
Switched to SMARTY a few months ago with their £15 for unlimited everything deal.
I’m actually really liked them and have had no issues with Coverage or anything.
SMARTY is just the 3 Network so I knew they would be good.
I really liked smarty, but moved over to ID mobile when they brought out their esim. Also, ID do roll over data, so I’m now sat on 100gb a month for £8. I never use that much so it’s ideal.
But would happily recommend smarty and go back if they matched esim and the deal.
EE has officially launched 5G SA.
EE launches brand new 5G standalone mobile network across the UK and reveals new Wi-Fi 7 Smart Hub Pro
Another “give us more money” product.
Pricing and greed is the reason I probably won’t ever go to EE/BT.
Just left EE to go to Vodafone, I know the signal will be a lot worse, but I was paying £20 and will be paying 7, that, and I can save an extra £3 when I get broadband with them as they seem to be the cheapest make it a bit of a no-brainer.
Disappointed with EE’s new plans. They’ve ditched quite a few fixed data plans and the remaining ones (5GB, 25GB and 100GB) all have varying speed restrictions.
Only 4 of the unlimited plans have uncapped speeds and they’re all over £40.
At the moment I’m paying £29 for 256GB full-speed data, Apple Watch data and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
They keep telling me that I can upgrade to a new phone plan or SIM-only plan but they are only offering the 3 most expensive unlimited SIM-only plans as an upgrade. Hopefully, Retentions will have something decent when my contract is up.
I have a Lebara SIM (Vodafone MVNO) in my ‘spare’ phone and the speed has recently increased from less than 5 Mb/s to around 70 because Voda have extended their local 5G coverage. I’d be prepared to move from EE to Voda now if the price was right at the end of my contract.
Doubt any of the EE NMVOs will have access to this
It’ll be a premium EE feature for a while I would assume, similar to Vodafone 5g ultra.
I am getting some better speeds with EE 5GSA (compared to usual speeds in this area) but probably helps that hardly anyone else is using it yet.
Upload is terrible
Upload is always bad round here
I’m getting strange results with Spotify w/Honest SmartSIM. If I start listening to a track or even a long Podcast while at home (WiFi), I can continue listening to it while out and on SmartSIM data. But if I try to start listening to a new track podcast while out walking and on SmartSIM data, it just buffers.
Same in the car via SmartSIM->Phone->Android Auto->Spotify - new track/cast = buffers. Listen to the same track for a few seconds while on WiFi and I can continue to then listen while out walking or driving.
Second Spusu SIM set up. Ended up with two Customer Numbers for the two separate SIMs so couldn’t view both accounts in the app.
A quick WhatsApp to CS and the two accounts were merged and visible in the app.
Pretty happy with the service so far.
At radio 2 party in the park and rather than terrible reception I am getting 800mbps on Vodafone.
I am assuming there is a temporary 5G standalone mast here somewhere which only a subset of Vodafone customers are sharing with me?
They may have a COW set up. Cell on wheels I guess?
What does everyone pay and get data wise?
I myself am on SMARTY. £15 a month for unlimited everything.
£7 for 100gb on Vodafone - do not need unlimited.