Likely related:
@Rika is aiming to fix Uber tomorrow. Maybe Uber Eats needs the same treatment
Likely related:
@Rika is aiming to fix Uber tomorrow. Maybe Uber Eats needs the same treatment
I will sort this out monday! Can you send me a message please. @dragosMLT
There are regex rules which determine which merchant group a merchant goes into, or at least that’s my understanding based on what Rika has said on Monzo Slack. I’m assuming that in the case of Hulu it’s matching based on the old format of their merchant name and no longer matches now that they’ve changed it.
Yeah they do have this but it’s still not perfect because they have to be pretty kind of vague with the keywords to ensure it correctly edits when the transaction id changes but also does not change every merchant with the word “Hulu” in it
I’ve got something from eBay before from “Joker Cost” and it has called it Costa🤔
Speaking of which, @RachelR what should be done for eBay purchases? Should it be marked as eBay or as the sellers name/company if they have one?
This is a hard one.
I am still discussing it but I would rather put it under eBay as you can always go to eBay account to see who you have bought from.
Couple of things I’ve not had any luck with:
Let me see the 1&1 changes soon.
Post office change I will try and change for you.
Put it through as the link to photo either in website or twitter.
Hope this helps
Sounds good to me!
Also, Starbucks at East Midlands Airport comes up as Burger King. They both seem to have the same transaction ids… What’s the best way around that?
Hey Rachael,
Is it possible for all “Arriva Trains Wales” Merchants to be bulk updated to “Transport for Wales” with the logo from @tfwrail on twitter? Guessing there may be a overarching merchant group which contains all their POS.
They are the new train operator here in Wales and a large number of the transactions are coming through with the old branding, it’s going to take a long time for everyone to submit all the individual ones.
Ohh I can give that a change around that.
Send in a request and I will wait out for it.
Yes can do!
Thanks, I’ve submitted a few over the past few weeks but should save everyone else doing the same as and when they come across them.
Done the change. Should work now
Hi, just submitted a logo for the Freetrade shop (they have socks). It’s showing as Freetrade U.K. but maybe just Freetrade or Freetrade shop? Leave it up to you
Probably go Freetrade but when I get there I will see what works best.
They have generic name Both Starbucks and Burger King come up the same
What would you call it? Just East Midlands Airport or?
Thank you, looks much better
Leave it to me and I can sort it!
Also to be a pain:
Frankie and Bennys is coming up as restaurant group when you pay in person.
Then Chiquitos is coming up as frankie and bennies when you pay by their website…
Fire jacks, Frankies and Chiquito are part of the restaurant group and when you pay your bill online it shares the same name but when you pay in person at the restaurant then it actually should say the brand name
Okay send them in.