Merchant Data Corrections

Keep reporting them under merchant correction (improve logo or name) on the transaction.

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Also not sure if it fits in here but some countries in south east asia (cambodia in this instance) prefer to take usd through card payments.

This should be taken into account i think and i shouldnt be seeing a recommendation for tipping details about paying in restaurants in the US when not in america

Thanks for flagging this! I’ve added a couple of rules for this.


Thanks, Peter!


Another instance of this today… happy for you to look at my account if you want to see why it wasnt caught by your rules.

Just keep reporting it from the bottom of the page.

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Thanks! That should be fixed now.

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Yeah i obviously know i can do that and have been but at the same time that doesnt fix the problem long term.

If rules can catch these (as they all have a common trend) then all the better.

@tjvr I’ve had another shop pay merchant that’s not been picked up by rules you’ve got in place. It’s come through in the feed as Sp BingleyFencing. Have submitted a report to correct it, but flagging as you’d hoped you’d fixed this

Unfortunately this is a case where we first saw the merchant a couple years ago. The fix we put in place didn’t take effect retroactively:

This may not affect merchants we’ve seen already, but it should help going forward with new ones

Sorry about that :disappointed:

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Ah ok. I’d not seen it before, but of course that doesn’t mean Monzo hasn’t haha. Ah well hopefully there will still be fewer of them anyways :slight_smile:

Nearly all of my remaining logoless merchants have been submitted with IG accounts only. Is there an issue with using this particular social media for logos?

I think Insta has always been 50:50. Twitter always seems to be the most responsive for me.

Yeh I found twitter better but my remaining corrections don’t have twitter accounts so stuck with IG.

I kept submitting my similar ones with only IGnuntil they were all finally picked up. It irritates me more than it should, I know.

Has anyone else suggested logos only for them to go from being the spending category image to a blank white circle?

I find it’s about 50:50 in terms of whether an update is made at present; is that normal?

Oh so they did get changed eventually? I’ll keep persevering.

Never seen that to my knowledge. What OS are you on?

iOS. I assumed it was an issue with the logo update rather than a platform dependent issue though

Fair dos. Can’t say I’ve seen that issue

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