Meal deals

I was wondering :thinking: does anyone buy meal deals for work :sandwich: , where do you get yours, how much do you pay :moneybag:, and what is your favourite :hearts:?

I go to Tesco by Cardiff Central, pay £3, I change between their options but my favourite side is the twin pack of cherry bakewell. :cake:

I do :wave:

I’m a huge fan of the Morrison’s one - for £3.50 I get the Vegan Maki (12 pieces), granola pot with yoghurt and berries and a large can of red bull. :blush:


Tesco :raised_hand:
Unfortunately there isn’t one near where I work so have to settle with boots

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There’s zero shops around where I work, I have to pick it up while I transfer (train to bus).

Salad/pasta tray included in the meal deal as well :ok_hand:


I used to do the Morrisons meal deal every day. Good sandwich range. Saved loads of money since I started making my own lunches / being Keto. Do miss the daily bag of crisps though!


Tesco! £3. Switch it up between pasta pots and sandwiches. Exciting! :sandwich: :chocolate_bar: :tropical_drink:


Have got a few Tesco ones recently cus have been shit at making lunch the night before.

Have been getting a sausage/bacon/egg triple sandwich, either mango or fridge raiders side, and either protein shake or Starbucks mocha Frappuccino drink and honestly wow ??? Feel like Tesco must have the best options out there from what I’ve seen elsewhere.


We’re having a little team competition as to who can get the highest price before the £3 deal. £6.10 at the moment!


Haha I’ll update with mine today later, I kinda think I can beat that :wink:

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I don’t tend to get them very often but the biggest savings I got was in Boots - their range is pretty incredible.

I did one once and just picked the most expensive things for each and ended up getting more than half off.

£3.50 is the most I’ve spent recently.

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Haha I do that. Always go for the £2 odd innocent smoothies


Out of a deal I go for the cheap sandwiches, but the coffees always get me, I can’t resist them!

Love the Tesco meal deal but stopped when I realised it cost £60 a month, as it’s not really a good deal when you think about it. I just buy things in my weekly shop in bulk, it’s way cheaper.

Only got up to £6 :mask: feel I did well on drink and main, but just couldn’t find a more expensive side!

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If you don’t get the smoothies, then you’re doing meal deals wrong. :clap:

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