Making Monzo: Cheque Imaging

Louís, thank you for the update. This is a facility that will be of great use to me and I have mentioned it here recently. However, this kind of update is excellent and I hope this openess will continue :slight_smile:

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Thats a real shame, I love Monzo but cheques are my biggest pain point at the moment. I end up getting quite a few and often in >£100 value that I don’t feel comfortable sending freepost. This ends up costing me a bit to send them recorded delivery and even that I’m not very happy with how long the whole process takes.

I know there is no way around this now, so I will just have to wait. But in the mean time I feel like I have to re-open my natwest account just for depositing cheques.


An alternative that may be better for you, would be to open an Easy Saver with Lloyds or an Everyday Saver with the Halifax, which can be completed online. To then deposit cheques, by image through the Mobile app; wait for them to clear the next working day and then; setup up a Bill Payment in favour of your Monzo account and simply transfer the proceeds. Simple within, of course, the current virtual clearing limits :slight_smile:


Good idea but hopefully Monzo will have it soon enough

I keep my Halifax account open for this feature. It’s great.

It’s a shame we have to wait this long for Monzo to join the club.


Shame it’s 7 months away :see_no_evil: the cheque I’ve just received expires in 6 months :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hopefully another cheque arrives closer to the time so I can test this awesome feature :sunglasses: though I doubt it :joy: I believe this is only my 3rd ever cheque :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I find it odd how they couldn’t do both at the same time, but maybe the team that does payments is small

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I think however big a team is there are always going to be trade-offs and relative priorities to consider. This stuff is hard!


I wouldn’t say it’s small. We have a lot on our plate between these new schemes and improvements to the existing ones. We’re doing this in addition to improvements to Mastercard processing, our connection to Faster Payments, Bacs processes, etc. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s one of those do this on top of all the other things you’ve got to do type of things. I completely understand that :slight_smile: . Good luck with it all :slight_smile: :rocket:

Is it possible to drop off cheques in person at the London Monzo office?

Yes :slight_smile:


I wonder if it’s possible to just post it through their door during evenings/weekends.

…from the To Do List, seems not B4 August Of this year :frowning:

I wrote a cheque today as a trustee. The first of the year & it was to HMRC! It was quicker and easier and less stressful to write it & pop down to Barclays (HMRC’s bank) and pay it in than to phone up, press buttons, wait & then go through the painful process of ‘security checking’ (that info you are meant to have remembered & destroyed) and give the details for payment. This would have then also needed to be repeated in full by another trustee. This trustee account can’t transact online as at least two people have to authorise. So score: cheques 1, phone banking 0, online banking -1 and bonus point for achieving 10,000 steps by walking to/from bank.


I would like cheque imaging

Also one of the things that stops me using Monzo exclusively is that Monzo do not issue cheque books

I go to an auction, the only want to pay is cash or cheque. Cash is inconvenient because you never know how much you are going to spend. To cover possible spending I would need to draw a lot of cash. Once the money is drawn it would never be paid back in.

So I use my first direct cheque book

Am I alone in wishing that Monzo could issue Cheque books

I think direct bank to bank payments are probably the way forward in your scenario.

Although the new Monzo ‘pay by a link’ feature might work in your case, I doubt any auction house would ever accept it.

I wouldn’t worry about using First Direct to draw cheques. I don’t think Monzo will mind, as they have zero intention of ever issuing their own cheques.

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Would be great if this was to become a reality as cheques are still used by companies giving refunds and HMRC if your lucky do so likewise.

Really looking forward to this feature - don’t have it available with any of my other bank accounts either, so this would be a big step forward!