Making Monzo Better: The Big List

Making Joint Accounts Monzo Magical

My biggest request with Joint Accounts is that I don’t want such a big wall between it and my main account.

  • Let me move (or split) transactions between accounts easily, at least within the “settling” period. This allows you to correct for using the wrong card at the checkout or for when services like iTunes always default to one payment method but some purchases will be joint and some will be single.
  • Don’t charge overdraft charges if one account is overdrawn but the other account’s balance covers the deficit.

What would be truly magical here is that I would only need the one physical card, and could tap on my notification to select which account a transaction should be charged to.

I understand that from a regulatory point of view they might have to be totally separate accounts, but use that Monzo magic to blur the lines for your users.