Loot - Web Interface Launched

There’s been a bit of discussion about Loot here previously.
In general I’ve felt that their mobile app was a little lacking. However they’ve just launched a web interface, and IMO they’ve done it really well by the looks of it.

Fully featured web app in React, using service workers, asset compilation through webpack. All the cool things basically.

Here’s a gif of the interface. I have no transactions as I’ve not used my card.

I’d really like to see Monzo release an official web app at some point, because I think Loot have really nailed it here.


In case anyone else is wondering, Monzo are developing a web interface -

There’s more discussion about exactly what that will look like & how far it should be developed in that post.

It looks like this site simply replicates Loot’s app? I like the design :thumbsup:

This is definitely the sort of thing Monzo’s web interface needs to draw inspiration from. Quite refreshing when compared to the traditional bland, bank layout

A bit difficult to judge without content, but looks clean and this is my main requirements - I hate cluttered 25 CTAs on a screen banks’ interfaces.

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