Looking to Sell 32 Monzo shares

Did anyone record what the price per share was after each crowdfunding round to see how the stock has evolved over time?

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They did and it’s in the post that @anon95680666 gave you :see_no_evil:

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oh :man_facepalming: didn’t check it yet as i saved it for later :sweat_smile: thanks though!

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I will give £10 each, banks market cap have lost huge money recently and Monzo would have also.

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I doubt people will want to sell their shares so cheaply, but it’s worth a try :slight_smile:

Good luck with that. :slight_smile: People only have the last valuation of the shares to go off, and any speculation (up or down) will be influenced by that person’s own role in the buying process.

Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not pushing £15/share atm.

Given that you can only sell in exceptional circumstances these people will likely need the money asap. Therefore holding out for the perfect buyer and the best possible price might not be an option for them.

So using this as leverage is likely another reason for the “low” offer.

what you’re saying makes sense … i just think people would resort to selling other assets before dealing with crowdcube shares and arguing exceptional circumstances. I’m assuming the whole process is a pain in the ass. But yeah, desperate times I guess :man_shrugging:

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As above.