Loan administration for closed account

They do. You pay by bank transfer with reference LN00000000 (Replace zeros with your account number) and FLEX00000000 etc…

But they never reply to tell you how much you owe or where your up to


You receive an annual statement and they’re probably just busy handling either chronological inbound, or important inbound where they could breach regulations somehow ie not responding to certain things in a timely manner.

You can calculate your payments in ways mentioned above, and then just lump sum it to avoid further interest.

Shouldn’t have to do that.


Out of interest, why do you consider email so unsecure nowadays?
I mean if you send it into a helpdesk system like monzo and delete it from your sent what other risks are you considering?

For me it’s the behaviour. It’s training people to send highly personal info over what could be unsecure or false which gets me.

Yes, secure messages or “go to a branch” might be hard or impossible for Monzo, but they really need to better here.

After all, it’s not like other options exist

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I mean unsecure as in?

Sadly thats as risky as an email being sent asking you to submit your ID to a 3rd party page when the email has been spoofed to look like Monzo and you are running your own server without proper anti-spam.
I think the whole unmonitored emails (any company) need to be removed. Company’s SHOULD monitor email addresses they send from to deal with confused customers.

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Come on. It’s far easier to spoof an email that looks real vs a secure messaging system and 2FA which could easily be used instead.

Case in point. With HSBC I get an email which tells me I have a Secure message. I can’t see what it says, I have to login for that.

If I don’t, it’s sent with a 2FA access code and only then can I see it.

Having an open text email system for something this sensitive is just lazy and poor, in my opinion.


A bank should not be asking their customers to submit sensitive documents over email. Ever. It’s that simple.


I mean I know what you are talking about, I just think the perceived ability to phish via email and beat spam systems on google etc when set up correctly is far lower now which is why its no longer the major vector.
Beating all the various protections now is far harder especially on mass from an ip address not know for sending lots of email.

I am not going to dig in too much, I am more curious how people perceive email now over how it actually is when ran properly.

I think using a web page to drop the ID can be easier to phish as if you look at text spam that went out using monzo-somethingsecure {.} com domains to trick people is far more effective then trying to beat modern anti-spam when properly set up using a major provider, the biggest risk though is people who think they know what they are doing and actually dont secure their email properly.

Although I do think its not too much to have a doc drop page on monzo{.}com wouldnt be too much to ask.
The app would always be the best way though.

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Busy doing their job. Well, the administration of my loan is part of their job and by not giving me a settlement figure in a timely manner they are at risk of being in breach of regulations.

It’s not up to me to have a crack at the figure, it’s their responsibility to tell me how much I owe when I ask them.

And they will respond to you when they get round to responding to you.

You only spite yourself here. I get it you’re waiting on someone to reply to your email, but don’t be a mood about it.

I’m sure you’re capable of doing simple math, or respectful enough to wait until they reply.

5 working days is a good response timeframe, not sure you’ve specified how long ago you first emailed.

I’d also use - as for sending documents by email, personally not fussed by it as it’s low risk (albeit not risk free), and don’t personally fret over stuff like this.

I don’t disagree but still, ideally as you say there’d be a better option.

I wish the OP luck but they might find a different bank would suit them. Monzo don’t seem to
Generally allow customers to rejoin these days.


Absolutely they’re not the bank for me - and I’ve got no intention of opening another account. I just want to receive a final settlement figure and pay my debt so I don’t need to keep going through this rigmarole.

I mean that’s a good point, I’d just hope the email is TLS encrypted, which it should be to avoid intercept…. Saying that, I keep a photo of my passport on my phone, so my worries about the email being intercepted are moot

I guess I’d be scared of potentially making a typo in the email and sending it to someone unintentionally

So I’ve had a reply after emailing Initial response asked for selfie, I declined, second response has asked for one as well which I’ve also declined to provide on the grounds given above.

I’ve never emailed them a selfie and won’t be doing so now, hopefully they can look back through my account and see that I’ve been given figures before and give me the information I need to pay off my loan.


I suspect they won’t without verification and their verification involves selfies.

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You only really let yourself down here.

It’s their policy to verify you by other means if you’re no longer able to use the app.

Sounds like you’ll just be paying that debt off for months til it naturally dies.

With subject access requests being all the rage lately, I wonder if that would be a way around getting this information.

I am surprised Monzo aren’t sending any kind of statements or receipts that simply outline this though when you make a payment so you know where you’re up to. Thought that would be an industry wide standard practice tbh.


Does let you view the loan? Or is that just account activity?

I get an “account not found” message.

I don’t think I’m letting myself down at all, Monzo are letting me down. It may be their policy but I don’t believe it’s sound and they’ve given me the information previously without sending a selfie so I don’t see why they won’t now.

I’ve escalated it to a complaint and am currently on hold. The last time I called it took over an hour to change my address so I’ve settled in and made myself a pot of coffee.