LHV UK Current Account

I used search but couldn’t find anything about LHV Bank on here. They are an Estonian banking group with operations in several countries.

It looks like they now have a full UK banking licence and are offering UK Current Accounts…

Figured it was worth mentioning, given it’s not a typical start-up bank. One to watch?

@Revels This is my first ever new topic. Go easy on me with the merge request! :sweat_smile:




Pays interest too!
Let us know how the application goes.

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Lots of services not yet available…

I was hoping someone would apply and let us know how it goes.

It does look like a very early launch. Hopefully all of the normal features will arrive soon.

Given their backing, I can see them actually delivering and sticking around, at least.

I do question if it’s worth launching before you even have Debit Cards though :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I will post how it goes with the application.

Are they all using the same marketing agency?


I believe it’s called “being inspired by the competition” :wink:

Or… copying others.

Apparently, LHV has been a significant commercial lender in the UK for a number of years, and already provides payments infrastructure to a number of UK FinTechs.

They’ve certainly flown under the radar over here. I’ve only ever seen their brand when I’ve visited the Baltics.


Their are probably loads of Current Account that have flown under are radars!


True. Although, I do tend to be aware of any bank brands with their own sort code allocation. I’m sad enough to look through all of the updates made to EISCD (access via my work).

LHV (04-03-01) was the only one to really stand out to me as unexpected.

If I spot any new banks appear, I’ll be sure to post.

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What was the application process like? Was it a typical FinTech experience with photo of ID and video selfie or was it something else entirely? I’m intrigued.

Data checks out :open_mouth:

How have you never created a topic in all those years. You’ve been a member since 2017! :exploding_head:

Happy first topic nonetheless :birthday:

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I get itchy if I don’t make one a week!

We know……


I have been on here a while, although I do tend to vanish occasionally for a year or two.

I’m also surprised I’ve not created a topic before.

It’s not yet been merged either. That’s worthy of an award, surely.


Monzo Plushie for @BenC

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I’ll get my eBay account ready.


The screenshots of the app look great. Always been a fan of minimalist, de-cluttered banking apps.

One to keep an eye on for when more features launch.

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Same on the minimalism. Less is more, as far as I’m concerned.

The screenshots may well be nothing more than mockups though. It will be interesting to find out what the app actually looks like from someone who has applied.

It only has 1 review on the iOS App Store, so we can’t rely on that either.

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