Just upgraded to current account, lost ability to top up by debit card?

As per topic. How do I continue to top up by debit card? Now the top up screen takes me only to screen giving me details of how to bank transfer in. Can’t find anywhere the debit card topup option.

When the current account started rolling out, it was specifically stated by Monzo that debit card topup would still be possible, so I really hope this has not been reneged on. The card is useless to me without this ability, at least for the next few months. I asked this question personally on that community thread and was reassured the debit topup was not going away.

I only have £20 balance remaining and am now very worried I am very soon going to be unable to use Monzo!

Please could someone help me out with this. Thanks.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Top up feature gone?