Joint salary sort showing junior cards

Joint salary sort showing junior cards

Wife has junior cards for kids on her account
I (husband) have joint account with wife.
Wife transfers 1k from external bank to joint account.

When I select sort salary on this incoming payment I can see the wife’s junior cards as a sort destination.

I would not expect to see any of the wife’s accounts as a sort destination. I would only expect joint/joint pots and my personal accounts as a destination.

unknown app version as locked down via work.
Sorry no screenshot

Why not? Some parents might want to add money to their kids account payday?

Is this a workaround to allow a joint account holder to pay into a kid’s account that’s under the other parent’s account? :scream:

Might need @davidwalton to investigate :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll try this on MrsW’s phone when I get home later. I can see the Child account as a selectable destination when I move money from either the Joint or the Personal account on my device - so I’ll check if MrsW can see it as a destination from her Joint account. That would be interesting…


OK, tried it.

On MrsW’s account, if she tries to ‘Move Money’ from her Joint (or Personal) account, then the Child account that is linked to my Personal account does not show as a destination.

But if she Salary Sorts, the Child card DOES show as a destination.

So basically, if you receive £100.00+, you can sort some, or all of it, from one Joint account holder to the Child card linked to the Personal account of the other Joint account holder.

I suspect this is an edge-case oversight which hasn’t been picked up, rather than by-design.

EDIT: Of note: The image shown as the Child card when viewed from the Salary Sorter display on the other Joint account (MrsW’s) does not match the colour of the Child card. In our case, the Child card is neon blue, but is shown as a virtual-card-like purple colour in the Salary Sorter destination when viewed from MrsW’s account.