Hi all!
Another joint account question.
Does my partner need a current account with Monzo before he can get a joint account?
I have an account with Monzo. He does not.
Many thanks!
Hi all!
Another joint account question.
Does my partner need a current account with Monzo before he can get a joint account?
I have an account with Monzo. He does not.
Many thanks!
Hi there. Your partner will need to sign up for a Personal Monzo Current Account before you can sign up for a joint account.
You can find out more here:
Edit: dammit Revels how the hell you quicker than me.
Also impressed that all the cool people are on Monzo community on a Friday night (and Valentine’s day)
There’s no cool people here!
Sadly that’s put him off. He only wants 1 more account, not another two. Thanks for both answers, I guess we are off to look at different banks!
Starling, Monzo and Revolut all require a personal account before a joint account.
With Starling, you can close the personal account after, without it closing your joint account.
Your high street alts sometimes require one to have or make a joint account first then add the second account holder.
Depending who your partner is with, or who you have other accounts, just give them a call.
Starling are another one that might knock you back for no apparent reason.
He doesn’t write an essay for every post
That sounds like an odd thing to be put off by.
Judging off people on here. The more bank accounts the better
And to be fair, despite the whole ‘joint account parity’ issues Monzo does a fairly good job of integrating both accounts so that it only ‘feels’ like one account.
Well he already has 4… So I think it’s fair.
I can’t seem to find anywhere that has compared all the joint accounts as to whether they need you to both have an account or whether one of you can. And what benefits there are.
However that’s my research that I will now be doing today!
Nationwide lets you open a joint account from the start.
First direct also lets you apply for a joint account from the offset (I know because my parents did this)
For most others, one of you will need to have a current account with them already, and then that person will be able to add the other person as a joint person on a new account.
However, all the other FinTech will want a personal account first unfortunately.
We don’t mind doing a joint account from one of us already having a current bank account (between us we have about 8 different accounts in different banks haha)
But we don’t want to open another current account and also have to open a joint account on top. We have limits!
So I’m off to the research books.
Any specific reason?
Frustratingly you repeated what rebels said and here what I’ve said.
Please read the posted comments before adding your own.
Bad bot x
I also added a bit about first direct and nationwide offering joint accounts from the start, with no need for a personal current account.
Who you calling a rebel bruv
Fight me x
By skipping the pleasantries and bluntly and succinctly correctly answering the question that was asked.
But only revels is allowed to do that. If anyone else does it, Ordog’ll get ya.