I’ve been lurking for many months waiting to open a joint account and waiting for the dust to settle.
Specifically I recall there was a lot of debate over the method of switching between accounts within the app and also the design of the card.
I know it sounds feeble, but my partner & I can’t wait to open a joint Monzo account - if only the card was a different colour. I recall seeing a tweet from Monzo saying that they don’t want to commit to a colour incase they launch other types of accounts. But surely we could just pick a colour like bright green and that leaves loads of other colours for future launches?
I’m also a fan of security by not giving away too much personal information - so would prefer if the card didn’t say “joint account” on it. No other bank does this to my knowledge. Just make it a different colour so it’s easy to grab from the wallet.
I’ve tried looking on youtube for joint accounts but can’t seem to find much. Can anyone point me to any information on exactly how the in-app account toggle button works? Also - exactly how the phone screen looks for personal versus joint accounts (again - is it obvious - like bright green when looking at the joint account).
I’m conscious I may get some flack for this and some people might not see the issue with having cards the same colour, but it’s just my opinion.
Thanks in a advance for any replies