iOS 18

It’s threads. Honestly I’d turn them off. You miss things I find when it groups threads incorrectly.

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I actually quite like the threading, just annoying that it won’t allow individual actions on emails.

That reply icon is at the bottom of every message in iOS in a thread and lets you perform other actions on individual messages

There’s a similarly vague icon when using macOS mail


That’s terrible UI design…


Hope the Beta 4 has a fix for Bluetooth.

My shower speaker keeps not being able to locate my phone since the update, phone says it’s not in range, I have to forget the device and reconnect it

I’ve not had any Bluetooth issues with beta 3 so far but I have seen others complaining about it.


Well there’s hope then, it’s not just a usual me issue

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18.1.1 is out, but no 18.2 DB4 :frowning:

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Someone tell me what the actual fuck is up with moving your apps to blank spaces on the Home Screen?

Never been so fking annoyed. Move one, they all move to weird places and it’s p*ssing me right off.

Same shit whenever I tried to do it so gave up and stuck with my full page of apps.

It’s a whole new level of rage. Even when the bottom row was empty, move one down there, everything scatters.

Or some just move a few spaces elsewhere with no reason behind it.

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Yeah it’s insanity, why it doesn’t just work the same as Android I have no idea.

I’d guess it’s a beta problem but still, fuck a duck, it’s annoying.

I’m not on the beta. :grimacing::grimacing:

Do you have widgets on the page too? They screw if a lot too.

Nope never have, never will.

Whats up guys it’s Brandon


I miss this rendition.


Android can be good at some things :wink:

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