Introducing the new Monzo Plus

I think the graphic was just teasing the button placement for upgrading your account. I suppose a badge would be nice too.

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Maybe even a new category for Monzo plus discussions?

(Edit) not exclusive as others have previously requested, just to keep things tidy and maybe reduce confusion

There already is. This thread is in it.

This is in the ‘Monzo Chat’ category, I was suggesting a separate ‘Monzo Plus Chat’ category, unless I’ve misunderstood what you meant? already exists - is that what you’re after?

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Oh, didn’t spot that :joy: I was just looking on my front page on mobile and it wasn’t very prominent, I think I need more coffee

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - July 20

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - July 20

My card arrived this morning! That was very quick given where I’m located!

The card feels really nice quality this time around. Probably the highest quality card Monzo has made yet. Looks stunning too.

The layout structure of the back is nice and well organised, which is great, because most cards seem to get this very wrong and just dump the details wherever they feel like without any thought. EXP END and CVC are also rarely this well aligned with their associated data. It’s perfecting the small things like this that make the difference a good card design and a great one to me.

Oh, and the phone number is actually formatted correctly!

Edit: the only criticism I have is that the chip cut out isn’t perfectly aligned with the level of precision I would like. Same thing that bugs me with AirPods, but that’s just nitpicking and a non-issue with Apple Pay which is where it will mostly be used.


Aghhh, everyone is getting their cards so quickly ! The post around here seems to have dropped off completely (which is understandable because of COVID, though still frustrating :sob:).

What’s the feeling like of the holographic layer in terms of its durability?

Probably too soon to comment on that yet. It’s a very smooth finish and the edges feel pretty seamless like there’s a coating that goes all the way around, so I don’t foresee any issues with fraying or peeling. I suspect it may scratch easily though as tends to happen with shiny things if they’re not made out of tungsten.

The printed information on the back looks quality so that should withstand the test of time better than most cards I’ve had too.

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Hi @tomdavies and thanks for the feedback.
I am sure you can appreciate that as a sole joint account holder then I am obviously keen to understand when Plus may be available to those of us who only use our Monzo Joint accounts.

I signed up briefly to take a look and play with connected accounts, which worked really well with my Barclaycard, but have cancelled again now as it was only a novelty without working on my joint account.

I appreciate the difficulty with mentioning timescales, but knowing the current thoughts of are we talking days, weeks or months would be really great so we can set our expectations.



Apologies if this has been answered already (this is quite a long thread and I did try skimming through it!). I’m debating whether to pay the £5/month for this and was wondering:

  • do transactions from connected accounts show up in your category spending totals?
  • can you change categories for transactions from connected accounts? I think on Revolut you can’t but on Snoop you can.
  • do internal transfers between connected accounts mess up spending totals? Are these automatically excluded? On Snoop any transactions tagged as internal transfers are excluded which is very helpful.

Connected accounts are ‘view only’ as far as I know. They have no impact on categories, budgets or anything else.


Had my first proper transaction with Netflix on my virtual card today (they took and gave back £1 before when adding it)

All went fine with no fuss and no drama. A bit low key, but that is what we like to see sometimes


Some nice new features, new card looks cool but my most favourite feature is the virtual cards.
One suggestion how about new app icon holographic?
I’m hoping the plus will improve and be better than the original version but liking v1.0 keep it up and keep the plus features coming

Connected accounts is barebones at the moment. Just raw transaction info and amounts. See this thread…

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I thought I’d jot down my initial thoughts and observations on the Monzo Plus implementation of Open Banking.

The Good

First of all, the process for connecting third party accounts is ridiculously easy and quick. In my experience 15 seconds or less per provider. I just selected Santander, was taken to the Santander app, sent back to Monzo, and my current and savings accounts were there all loaded up. It was exactly the same experience with Nationwide, except there are no savings accounts, but my current and credit card accounts loaded up.

There are two points of interest with the credit card. Nationwide, in their app, give you your credit limit, amount left to spend, and current balance. I use a spreadsheet to track my finances, and one trivial calculation required is to calculate the amount spent from these numbers. The Monzo aggregation only gives me the amount spent, the one piece of information Nationwide makes me calculate. With my Santander current account, the balance is the available balance, which takes into account any pending transactions.

Also, I’ve noted that Nationwide only ever shows transactions as cleared overnight. So I go to bed with one set of transactions, and wake up with some extra ones in the morning. Monzo shows me these recently settled transactions during the previous day.

The Bad

Not all providers are supported yet, and as above, not all accounts with providers which are supported are available. So, for me, no TSB or Marcus, and no Santander Monthly Saver or any Nationwide savings accounts.

I inadvertently connected two old savings accounts which were unused and empty. No problem, though, there is a ‘Remove Account’ button.

Except that removing the account isn’t all that the button does. The button removes the provider, so it removed all the accounts for that provider. It is fairly trivial to re add the provider, but it will then go to the end of the list.

The Ugly

The transaction feeds are very bare. Not only is there no enrichment, the feeds are walls of scrollable plain text on a white background. It seems very un Monzo to me. It’s quite difficult when scrolling to get a sense of how many days you are scrolling past as the date text looks very similar to the transaction text.

The transaction feeds aren’t searchable, either, which is a shame.

You can’t reorder the providers directly. The only work around is to add the providers in the order you want them to appear. So your accounts will be Monzo, Monzo Pots, Provider 1, Provider 2 from left to right. So if you want them reordered, delete them all, and re add them in the order you want.

The End

I initially signed up with the expectation that I would cancel it within two weeks, and while that still might happen, I think its just as likely that I’ll invest £15 over three months before I decide for sure one way or the other.


POINT 1 no
POINT 2 still no
POINT 3 you can only look at them (and only the previous 90 days worth). You can’t sum them, export them, or categorise them. maybe one day.

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