Inspiring Change Podcast - Harry Ashbridge đŸ“»

Here’s a new podcast with @hashbridge :tada:

“What makes tone of voice real, is giving people the skills, confidence and permission to use it for themselves”

Harry has worked with words for many years. He started life as an editor before joining London-based agency ‘The Writer’ in response to an advert that called out their mission ‘to stop the tyranny of linguistic mediocrity’. Six months ago he became Monzo Bank’s writer though, as he says himself, “Everyone here is a writer, I’ve just got the job title”.

To find out more about Harry you can view his profile on Linkedin. To have a look at Monzo’s tone of voice and to read more about ‘active language monkeys’, see

Following on from Harry’s comment -

“Everyone here is a writer, I’ve just got the job title”

Kieran recently revealed that every new Monzo employee has a session with Harry when they first join on

Writing slightly betterly — Writer Harry explains Monzo’s Tone of Voice, and offers tips that even the most astute communicators will find useful!



I’ve just found the Tone of Voice page - I knew Monzo would have something to help me as I prepare to write a whole lot of policies for a company I work for I literally said - we need to be human like Monzo I wonder if their policies are open like their coding and bobs your uncle - really helpful thanks so much, we have to have so many f these policies written down even reading the titles bores the pants off people we don’t want the contents too!

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