Increasing even further Monzo's transparency 🔍

First of all, big shout for the great work you guys have been doing in 2016 in supporting your users, involving the community in your plans, communicating upcoming changes and showing the progress made by the team!

I also really like that you started following Buffer’s transparency mission and made your roadmap public.


@tom given the very open direction taken by the company… have you ever thought about further making other areas of the company more transparent, further following Buffer’s example (e.g. key metrics, salaries, core values, diversity…)?

I’m sure many people (especially those that like me invested in the company, or that want to invest in the future) would love to learn more about user growth, revenue evolution, marketing spend, user demographics, anonymized usage data and trends… :chart_with_upwards_trend: :mag:

Something for 2017 maybe? :wink: