In app chat history

Hey @BethS,

I’d like a CSV export of my intercom convos please. I’ve had amazing chats with the team including several CxO, and this is something is usually quote when I’m arguing to convert more people to Monzo (in particular from Revolut).

Would it be possible please :)? id=581
Also, can you give an explanation of why this has not been migrated? Thanks.


It would @Antwan! You’d need to request this on the in-app chat, please.

If I recall correctly, we have looked at migrating the chat data but this does not seem feasible at this time, really sorry for the trouble with that though!

Too bad :frowning:
Can someone prepare a tech blog post around this story :)? I’ll curious about it.

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I’ll be glad to see the back of the old chat history tbh, I didn’t like not having the ability to delete old chats.

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They don’t explain why this has not been migrated.

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Hi Beth,

I posed a question this morning with the in app chat function, I didnt mark it as urgent, as it wasn’t , the response time was I think 17 minutes on the message screen - which showed my message - this then changed to 1 hr again with my message displayed , its now been about 4 hours since my question was first posed, the question I asked has disappeared from my screen and there is no chat history available showing my question , why has my question disappeared from any chat history and more importantly do you have a record of my question and will get round to answering in due course ?

when I say “you” I mean Monzo :slight_smile:

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I’m so sorry about that Ian! :see_no_evil: Can you DM me your email address and I’ll have a look on this end :+1:

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