IFTTT account specific trigger - joint account

Hey there

I’d like to have IFTTT trigger IF any new transactions ONLY on the joint account, not my personal account.

Do we know if/when Monzo will add ‘Account?’ question to existing triggers, with an option for personal, joint, or both.



It’s not currently possible and Monzo haven’t announced any planned updates to IFTTT that I’m aware of. In fact the triggers haven’t been added to or updated in a looong time :cry:


i love the look of the ifttt integration but now with joint acc thats where i need it.
so currently as good as useless.


Is there any update on this? I see Monzo is advertising the IFTTT integration on Instagram now. It’s probable that customers are finding out the hard way joint accounts are not supported.


I need Slack notification for the “The Mrs has spent our money on shoes again!!” :joy:

It must be pretty easy to add the “Account?” question in the trigger? I guess low priority for Monzo?

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You would guess wrong :smiley:

Monzo are working on this* and hopefully it is :soon: Head over to the IFTTT topic to read what they recently announced.


*this being joint account support and formulas for transactions which should allow you to achieve this.

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