Anything I need to know before I make the switch?
only that you should have done it sooner
In the sense of using CASS to move across from another account in toto?
If so I would suggest making a note of the details of your direct debits and download any statements or letters you do not have already
Don’t use CASS - I just moved my DDs manually to my Monzo account - still kept my fd account for a few reasons:
Overdraft, in case it’s useful
Can pay in cash and cheques easily
Longer banking relationship with fd
Use Monzo as my main account but no harm in having my previous account.
What about your overdraft with fd? Your salary is with them or with Monzo ?
I moved all my income from fd and 4 months later they cancelled £1500 overdraft
You can pay in cheques and have an overdraft with Monzo. Not sure why they’re on the list
Maybe it’s because of the word easily.
fd overdraft is still there, I do have some savings there so perhaps they have left the o/d alone due to that. I do sometimes use the card as well so the a/c is not dormant.
You have to post them to pay them in and there’s a charge for paying cash in at PayPoint locations - I can go to any HSBC branch or Post Office and don’t pay a penny.
Let’s not turn this into a cheque discussion topic.
I’m sure the OP knows how often they receive cheques and can decide if popping them in an envelope VS driving into town etc is easiest
I think his question is more along the lines of the switch process. It would appear he has already done his research and has decided that Monzo is the bank for him.
Yep - I was just giving reasons why it may be useful to keep the old account - if the OP has decided not to, then fair play.
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One thing I remembered today is CASS only moves direct debits. If you have any monthly card payments then you’ll need to change those details yourself
Just do it! You’ll never really know until you’ve switched. All I can say is I have never looked back!
I think it will be better to hold another card can received global payment and also for deposit the cash.
And you can always switch back if it doesn’t suit you.
I’ve started the full switch. Had a notification of all my direct debits setup in monzo. Should be complete by 20th. Woop!
Mine finished today
About time you became full Monzo to be honest
I know, it was long overdue. But I had to pay off an overdraft first so was trapped