Having your face on your debit card would cut down fraud as they would have to be mandatory and then retailers can’t just accept anyone using the card though interesting to think your face can cut down fraud just like your passport can it’s not fool proof and no one can say it will happen an interesting idea I though might be a way forward against financial crime and Identity theft
They used to have photos about 15 years ago on credit cards (Lloyd’s tsb for one) I always thought it was a good idea. Don’t know why it didn’t take off ?
Thought I’d give the card design a go.
Whilst not a designer but a marketer I think the hot coral has to stay just like Monzo say. I love everything black and would jump at having an all black card, however this is Monzo’s brand.
The design isn’t anything ground breaking, it’s more of an update of the current version. Trying to achieve the hot coral is a guessing game as Monzo don’t have any official brand guidelines. Also as nice as a white MasterCard logo would be it’s not possible based on their guidelines.
I also stuck with the horizontal version as I don’t think the vertical version adds any value apart from looking different and more like a hotel key card. Plus I have a card holder as my wallet, so “monzo” sticks out nicely and is 1. a good conversation starter and 2. easy way for me to find which card I need.
Personally I think the Monzo should be on the card to help enforce the brand more. And should be changed similar to the app depending on what status/account you have.
But yeah, here is the design and my thoughts.
I’d love to see monzo move on from the embossed letters and ugly design imposed by them.
Agreed, very dated look as well and no longer needed. Being a challenger bank like Monzo I thought unembossed (sp) cards would’ve been a given
Agree re embossed letters. I find the colour always rubs off them and they look tatty.
Black with Hot coral text for Monzo or business cards!
Appologies for my awful MS Paint skills!! I just used a picture of the pink card and used the colour picker and fill No idea how people have produce there nice graphics Maybe some one coudl tidy mine up if they fancy it?
Sorry, but this looks like every other over designed bank card to me. Can’t please everyone
I think monzo should allow users to design their own cards… I for one really hate the orange.
Hot coral
Funny you should say that…
A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - 18/2/19
What a fun thread!
‘No, not that blue, THIS blue’
‘No, that looks like X, make it like this’ ‘What, no, that looks like Y…’.
I like that the Monzo card is different from all the others I’ve ever had.
Only suggestion would be an easier/quicker way to tell which is my current and which is my joint account as they are both the same colour, and both of mine are the same colour as my partners. Scenario: It’s early morning, barely light, I reach for my bank card, pop it in my pocket and find out later its my partners joint account card (which we don’t use for daily purchases).
Other than that, from a manufacturing stand point, fewer choices is cheaper to make and I’d rather Monzo invested in the app/services than offering multiple design options for their cards.
I think having a hot coral metal card would stand out well and would be a statement piece
Would love to this - plain hot coral card with all details on the back - would also encourage people at the checkout questioning what card it is which thus leads to free advertising for Monzo via word of mouth!!
Super late reply but…
Had to use it last year because the internet was down all day ;-;
They’re horrible to use
iirc there was one unembossed card so we weren’t able to sell to that guy
Back in my shop worker days (good 13 yes ago) when a card was ‘different’ we would write the card number on the carbon copy…
Probably a no no today… but a carbon copy does the same thing
we weren’t allowed to write down the details iirc
Okay so I know this is an old thread but after recently seeing the business card design and then also seeing the plus card design and looking at my current investor card I thought wtf, they all look so different. Maybe it’s me being picky but things like the Monzo logo on the right for standard cards but on the left for all other account types, mag strip sizes changing, signature box size changing, contactless logo now on the back etc…
I understand technology changes therefore parts of the card will change and the fact I know f*#k all about card manufacturing (doesn’t seem to be simply) but it doesn’t look like Monzo have created like a boiler plate card design with all scenarios and future growth areas in mind.
The plus cards seem to be having a ton of issues with looking like a poor product yet being the “premium” package as well. Just received my midnight one and I’ve experienced all the same issues as people in this thread. The “plus” part is impossible to see really, I can see the CVV from the front better than it… The Hot Coral card edging is a really nice touch but it makes the chip on the on the front look naff.
Now I get all these problems could be down to manufacturing issues, but it could also be down to Monzo trying to be too complex with their designs.
So I went to the effort of creating a boiler plate design based on their most recent designs with some small changes, to help create some consistency and hopefully address some of the issues. (The END EXP part might have to move more to the right to accommodate longer names, but yeah).
Now using that boiler plate I designed all the card versions that I’m aware of:
To keep the hot coral in cards which aren’t hot coral I thought about changing the mag strip colour to hot coral, now I’m not sure if that’s possible. But until they nail the hot coral edging I think it’s the best way to incorporate it. Also the account type (plus, business etc) will just be printed normally in a different shade of the card colour.
So yeah, my 2p on the recent card issues and what looks like to be a lack of consistency.
I’m loving the hot coral magstripe on the lagoon blue card.