Hsbc credit card not showing in "other accounts"

Hsbc credit card doesn’t show up in “other accounts”. When I added HSBC to Monzo it said it was adding 2 accounts but it only shows the debit account.

I’d also like to get notifications for both these HSBC accounts and I’m not getting notifications for either.

You don’t get notifications on linked accounts through monzo. Just your monzo account.

Some banks let you have two visible accounts, some don’t. Looks like HSBC are the latter.

I have 2 HSBC credit cards added, so should allow it.

Emma shows my HSBC current account, savings account and credit card account, so they are definitely being offered via Open Banking.

It’s a while since I had this but when Monzo’s Connected Accounts feature launched I had trouble getting a HSBC debit account and a credit card connected. I recall that I added them individually and on different days (selecting only 1 account, not multiple, in the HSBC app when it flipped from the Monzo app to the HSBC app seemed to be the key thing)