How much did you round up?

How much have you rounded up in your savings pots? I’ve deleted a few to switch to interest-gaining pots but curious as to who’s on the leaderboard when it comes to rounding up transactions!

£151.67 in 14 months. Pretty pleased with that. Considering I don’t do a lot of card spending.

Since April 2018, £430. However I used £200 of that when the new AirPods came out :sweat_smile:

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I don’t use my card tons tbh.

Since 8th feb £102 as saving for an over night stay at Gatwick hotel before going to Florida, so by the time we go we should have enough to cover hotel £90, taxi to airport £30 and a meal in the hotel the night we arrive £50 :joy:

I still love round up


It’s rounded up a bunch more than this but “round up” wasn’t calculated from day 1 of this feature :yum:

Can’t imagine not having round up enabled :grin: one of my favourite monzo features.


So I’m on £83.72 (ISH) since September.

It was a bit of a struggle to work out since round ups have been going to a couple of pots over this time and as most of my spending is done on a credit card now I had tons of manual roundups to calculate!

Since Jan 1st. Includes round ups, and 1p savings challenge I think.

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Wow i need to stop spending so much


Since Jan 1st this year…

1p savings challenge I keep separate :blush:

Since April :slight_smile:

I regularly spend my round ups. Monzo making unlocking pots a doddle means I don’t bother locking them. That leads to me spending it :sleepy:.

I only spend my round up pots on games normally :rofl:
Average of 43p

In total £199.15 over 451 round ups (£0.44 average), not bad since I only started my account in February. (or bad because I only started my account in February?!!)

This is the one pot I ‘use’ though, so when it gets to £20~odd I’ll clear it down.

Not sure when I started the pot but I would hazard a guess at November 18:

£167.29 rounded up in 359 round ups with a £0.47 average.

I tend to set a £15-25 target on this pot and move it to another more specific pot when the target is reached.

Interesting to see the average hovers between 41-48 for the majority.

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I used to put all my physical change pre-monzo in a jar - I heard a great tip that every now and again you should throw some £1 and £2 coins in to really boost what is in there.

Now I am about 99% cashless I still try to follow this method.

I have over £300 in my round up pot thanks to once a week I have a scheduled payment going in of £5 to ‘boost’ the amount in there. I have slightly increased my earnings recently so today increased the weekly amount to £10 going in every Monday.

I find it really helps to build the amount in the pot without really noticing in it my main account.

My target is £1000 in a year :crossed_fingers:

Joined monzo in April and saved this for my little girl so far :blush:

Not bad! Pretty sure it reset when I changed the pot as well :joy: