How is everyone?

8 and 5…I’m finding it hard to juggle work, schoolwork on my days off…hey ho, onwards and upwards!

Super busy in work as I work in IT, not furloughed but was off sick with the virus for 3 weeks, so just sick pay : (

Has anyone’s employer made changes to sick pay if you get Covid 19?

Mine are 9 and 16. Luckily the eldest hasn’t got much but youngest has about 2-3 hours work everyday. It’s a nightmare trying to get everything done at the moment. Trying to get a lot done at the weekend

Sorry to hi jack the post. But seems like a good a place as any to ask about self employed support thing.

I have registered, they say I’m eligible and they will email me the date I will be able to make the claim and get a one off payment of up to £7500 based on an adverage of last few years monthly trading profits. Seems roughly a fair enough deal as I can expect.

However here is my question how many months payment do we get? Say my monthly profit is normally £1000.

Do I just get £1000? Even though we are not working for more than a month.


Speaking as a teacher, (although I’m not currently working as one, I have had many conversations with old colleagues about this) no-one will mind if the work doesn’t get done. No-one is chasing up missed assignments etc. Kids develop at such different rates and learn as much from cooking a meal or gardening than school work. Do what you need to to keep them occupied, but don’t feel it has to eat into your weekend.

The school has said the same but if the rest of the class is doing it then he will be behind when they go back.

As long as he is stimulated (whether by school work or a reasonable amount of constructive play) enough not to impact his neurological development, he’ll be fine. It’s hard for us teachers to admit how little impact what we do actually had :joy: but even if he is behind, by the time he goes back they’ll be on to a new topic and then when he goes to secondary school the slate is effectively wiped clean. Focus on his English, maths and transferable skills like organisation, self-reflection etc and don’t worry about anything else. Every other subject is just a different flavour of those three elements.

Some children (possibly more like parents) have been asking for extra work in my children’s classes - year 2 & 5.
Needless to say we haven’t and won’t be doing anything extra.

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Yeah I’m going over tables, division, fractions and time with him because he’s always struggled with them. Trying to firm the foundations

Luckily the childminder reopened for key workers last week as before that it was 7 hours a day on YouTube while I was at work. At least he’s now away from that :cold_sweat:

There’s always a section who try too bloody hard and make sure everyone knows it :joy:

You can guarantee those parents are either stay at home parents or furloughed :joy:


My entire industry is currently shut down so I’m furloughed on 80% - didn’t expect anything else as ‘they’ know full well none of us can leave and go somewhere else at the moment (this might sound harsh and cynical but I understand how big business works).

I’m currently waiting on confirmation of when the JRS is being shut down (which will almost inevitably result in me being binned) and whatever the situation is at that point will affect what I do next :man_shrugging:t3:

Its really hard isnt it…you have to spend time with the younger ones but then I think well is what I’m doing actually right? I’m not a bleeding teacher

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It’s 80% of your monthly total so it would be £800

It’s 80% up to a cap that’s roughly £30k per annum though.

That’s not what he asked

You will get three months worth at 80%. So going by those figures, you’ll get £2,400.

Nice one guys. Cheers for the help

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We’ve been very lucky. I’m a key worker (HGV driver, delivering food to schools, hospitals, care homes, restaurants, etc). My wife works for a waste management company.

She’s been furloughed, 100% for last month, then 80%. (But she hates being off work and is going a bit mad at this point.)

Without having to pay a grand a month for childcare we’re quite a bit better off.

At my company all the normal work other than hospitals and care homes has pretty much stopped - but we’re one of the two firms who’ve got the contract to deliver the emergency food boxes to shielded people. So we’re really busy with that.

An old couple clapped me all the way up their driveway and back to the van earlier today. Lovely and all and they meant well - but it was so awkward! :slight_smile:


I’m surviving although I’m getting fed up of been indoors from shielding, I had been going out for walks but got fed up of that, currently waiting on a mountain bike delivery to be confirmed so I can get out up onto the hills and get further than what walking would get me to.

Tomorrow is DIY day to mount a heavy duty bracket on my attic wall to hang a punchbag, I don’t do DIY so I may end up getting mad at the drill or wall and sitting in a corner to cry :rofl:

Work I’m sick up the back teeth of meetings where they all talk about wellbeing and how they feel during lockdown… I don’t care how you feel how about just shut up and do some work, I’ve dialled out of most kits the second they mention anything like that

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