How do we add a logo to show up on people's transactions?

Is it a thing we setup on Square/Shopify? Right now we show as a banana emoji, categorized automatically as groceries. We want our logo in the category “Eating out”.
Thank you!

Go into a transaction and correct it with Monzo.

Do that another 84 times, dance on the spot for a bit, make a wish, eat a cookie. See if it’s changed.

If not, eat another cookie.

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The category icon is determined (I believe) by your merchant category code (though one bank might treat certain codes under slightly different categories than another bank might). It’s not something Monzo can change.

It’s Square you’ll need to deal with.

To have your logo show up in place of the category icon, follow @revels instructions above.

If you get enough people to change the category in the app would Monzo ‘learn’?

For logo it should be pretty quick if you enter your twitter or Instagram link.

If you enter your website it will probably take your favicon so Instagram is probably best if you’re happy with the logo.

I don’t think so. I think it’s literally just how Monzo have decided to categorise their MCC, which they’ll have established with Square. Another bank may categorise them differently with the same MCC.

If Monzo learned from folks recategorising it, it would start screwing up everyone’s efforts to self categorise their spending.

No, it’s something Monzo sets on their system (though they might originally populate it from the MCC). I’ve contacted them in the past about an incorrect emoji for a merchant and they corrected it. @zerogravitygrub might be best to get in contact with Monzo support to ask them to change your emoji. Worth telling them you represent the merchant in question. They might also update your logo more quickly as well.