How do people categorise charitable spending?

Hi all. I’m new to using Monzo but am pretty happy with it sofar.

I’m not quite ready to go #FullMonzo but I have started by moving all of my discretionary spending. Which includes some monthly charitable donations via Direct Debit. But I’m not sure how to categorise them. Any suggestions?

Obviously, I’m looking for practical solutions using the existing category/tags. I see there are plenty of threads talking about potential new categories but until that happens what are you guys doing and what are the things to bear in mind?

I just put mine in general. I started using tags, but that was a pain because they weren’t remembered month on month. I don’t have too much in general so it works ok for me.

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I use bills for that.

Basically anything that doesn’t fit in other categories goes in bills for me.

General for me too. I don’t think there’s any category fits a charitable donation unfortunetly.

It goes under general for me along with some other one off items which I’m not too concerned about tracking.

A dedicated category or automated tagging could help anyone who does Self Assessment tax returns with their Gift Aid reporting.


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