Dear Monzo Team,
I am a student at the Cracow University of Economics in Poland following a Master in International Business.
Currently I am writing my thesis on the role of customer involvement in new service development and, as a case study for my thesis, I have chosen Monzo.
The purpose of my research is to explore how service innovation and delivery can be enhanced using customers’ inputs.
For the research I would need to interview 4 people from the company that are actively involved in dealing with customers’ input: 2 people from the strategic level and 2 people from the operational level of your company.
I would be extremely grateful if we could arrange a call to discuss the topic of my research into more detail.
This information will be highly valuable for the research and can be used for enhancing customer experience at Monzo.
I look forward to hearing from you with a date and time when we can have an initial call.
Thank you!
Stefan Arhire