Granular Money Management

Hey Everyone (and hopefully the devs)

I got my Monzo card through the mail a couple of days ago and I love it! Having tried (almost) every current account on the high street I haven’t found one that comes close to the functionality of Monzo.

Even ‘B’ (the joint offering from Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks) was terrible, and it really had no excuse to be, having been marketed so heavily.

For me the whole point of Monzo is to allow me to manage my money on a very small scale, and hopefully keep track of how I’m spending each pound.

I’d love to hear what to community thought of these suggestions.

  • Offsetting deposits against payments. Often me friends and I will split a bill, be it in the shop for a dinner we’re cooking or tickets into the movies.

Say I spend £15 on dinner for 3. This shows in the app as £15 on groceries, but £10 of it is due to be paid back. If my friends were able to transfer money to my account (hopefully without the £10 increments, fingers crossed) I’d love to be able to ‘attach’ that deposit to the initial transaction. This way the app would show that I had spent a net £5 on groceries.

I read that Monzo is working on split bills which would be amazing, but very complex. My suggestion would not require my friends to have the app, and could be implemented as a feature in the app that didn’t require any higher level banking stuff.

  • Custom categories. If I withdraw £10 it would be great to be able to categorise it under what I ended up spending it on. This would offer me more accurate information as to what I’m spending on. Further it would be great if I could, for instance, use categories to see how much I spend on necessities or luxuries.

It would be great to have some feedback on these suggestions, and see if anyone else is thinking the same way!

Let me know,

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Proper bill splitting won’t force your friends to have Monzo in order to use it (or at least we’ll do our best for that to be the case). If your friends are not Monzo users (yet) they will still be able to pay you by typing their bank cards on a webpage :slight_smile:

Sounds like a perfect use of the Apple/Android Pay on the web. :wink:

Edit: Also this.

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