Get Paid Early - "When Will I Get Paid" Calculator

Mine does an early December payroll too.

Usually 30th/31st (aka last working day of the month) but we received December’s pay on the 21st this year. Which sounds great until you realise there are almost 6 weeks until the next one :worried:

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Current place pays 23rd, but they paid 15th.

New role in new year will always be last working day.

Every other place it’s generally always been a week or two early.

My last place did too - usually the week of the 16th Dec - and standard payday being closest day to the 25th

My new job is 28th with no early Christmas pot and that pains me!

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Maybe my employer is bankrupt then :grinning:

This is probably not the correct thread to be in. However, they seem to have updated the screen and it looks a bit slicker.


I don’t mind it but I think I prefer the older style. There’s just something that I can’t put my finger on with this.

Hopefully it’s a bit less childish now too :see_no_evil: :wink:

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How was it childish before? It’s just dragging a little banknote onto a wallet icon, or if you didn’t want to do that you could just tap the wallet

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I love my company and of course Monzo, because I official get paid on Mondays, however I always get paid on the Friday at 4PM :tada: few days earlier woop woop :raised_hands:t4:

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Me again! I’ve had a few access requests on this - looks like the open access turned off again.

Should be back again now.


It appears to be locked again :frowning:

Thanks for the nudge there! It seems to go to Private mode every now and again.

Was going to try and make a better solution but haven’t got round to it yet.

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Iam due to get paid on the 27th December when would i beable to get my money if the 26th is boxing day

You’d be able to claim it early at 4pm on the 26th, since the 27th is not a bank holiday.

Huh? I’m not sure this is right? The 26th December is a bank holiday, so is the 25th. The pay would arrive on the 24th.

Hi @Gab91 & welcome :wave:

If you are usually paid via the BACS method, on the 27th December:

  • You can claim at 4pm on the 26th. But the 26th is a bank holiday, so
  • You can claim at 4pm on the 25th. But the 25th is a bank holiday, so
  • You can claim at 4pm on the 24th - just in time for :santa:

Please note - if you are paid via the Faster Payments method, the payment will arrive without any advanced notice on the 27th


You and @davidwalton are both wrong!

The 27th isn’t a bank holiday. So the payment would be scheduled to go in as normal, meaning you’d be able to claim it from Monzo the day before even though that’s a bank holiday.

You can check this yourself using @BritishLibrary’s linked calculator in the OP.

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I don’t think you’re right - the text under “(Which is the working day before 27/12/24)” is what makes me think it’s not accurate. As the working day before the 27th is the 24th as @davidwalton outlined

I wonder if @BritishLibrary hasn’t updated it with 2024’s bank holidays, and so doesn’t show that the 26th is a bank holiday too.


Blasphemous insinuation!

Checking the 27th in 2023 however would indicate you’re right. So much for being able to trust calculators!

@RichardL, @davidwalton apologies!

@BritishLibrary you’re on the naughty list!


So, just to confirm, as I also get paid on the 27th (via BACS), the payment should appear on the 23rd, so I should Get Paid Early on the 24th at 1600?

No, it’ll appear early on the 24th as a greyed-out (upcoming) transaction. You’ll be able to click tap on it but if before 4pm, you’ll only get a message to say you can claim from 4pm. After 4pm, drag-away!

Note: Only if you’re paid via BACS. Lot’s of people are informed they are, but they’re not. I’ve got 25+ years of payslips that say ‘BACS’ and I’ve never once been paid via BACS. Only FP.

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