Feedback regarding the current account onboarding process

My thoughts (posted on Slack, but recording here for “prosperity”). Device: Motorola Nexus 6 Android 7.1.1.

  1. CONFUSION: I downloaded the “Monzo Current Account” app from Google Play (“Other users also downloaded…Monzo Bank”). However, that installed the “Monzo Bank” app (Prepay is just “Monzo”). This led to confusion when I received the activation email as Android offered to open “Monzo Bank” and not “Monzo Current Account” or Chrome. I did pick Chrome as I thought the “Monzo Bank” app was the wrong one (the PP one). Still opened correctly… Could you rename the Google Play Apps (“Monzo Prepay” and “Monzo Bank”?)
  2. On the SMS confirmation, the screen suddenly changed from “Enter code…” to the next stage without me doing anything: about 20 seconds later, got the notification from Signal an SMS had been received (and obviously Monzo had “auto-read” it: still a bit odd-feeling though as unexpected).
  3. Reading terms and conditions, scrolled through (and read) to the end and then clicked “Next” which jumped to the top (seems expected to read them using ‘Next’ to go through each section). Again, felt unexpected/wrong.
  4. When taking the selfie (yuck), the display seemed to be fish-eyed. Dunno if that’s common on the Nexus 6 when using the front camera, as that’s the first time I’ve used it. (others have reported it’s slightly common on Android, but not to the extent as shown in Monzo).

And from Tnash on twitter:
5. “with your CA signup, you really should warn, that clicking the link associates to the Google Account. I clicked my email on desktop:( Now the new app is associated with my work user, and that Google user isn’t on my phone :(”