Everything you missed at Monzo this month 😮 July 2023 updates

Hi everyone :wave:

You may have heard the saying “it’s about the journey, not the destination” or similar. It can apply to many things in life, like managing your money.

Managing your money is more than just setting goals and reaching them - it’s also about being consistent and staying motivated. It can help to break things down into smaller steps so they feel more achievable.

To help you stay on track with your goals, here are this month’s new features:

Improvements to Credit Card Pots :credit_card:

One of the best things about what we do is that we get to involve you in feature development as much as possible. It’s all thanks to your feedback that Credit Card Pots is fancier :sparkles:

You can now remove individual credit cards from the Credit Card Pot. Previously you had to close and create a new one to add or remove cards. What a hassle! :cold_sweat:

And when you pause the syncing of a card, payments will keep coming from your Credit Card Pot until you remove the card from the Pot. We also cleaned up some things in the initial walkthrough tour so it’s easier to understand how it all works.

Keep letting us know what works and what doesn’t, because you know… this isn’t even its final form :alien:

Transaction notifications for different amounts :abacus:

You’ll now get notifications when a final transaction account is different from the original pending amount.

You may have seen this happen for things like restaurant tips, hotels, car rentals, and other places that place hold amounts.

Sort your salary into external accounts :moneybag:

Ask and you shall receive - Salary Sorter can now sort to external bank accounts!

You can sort any combination of dollar amounts to your Monzo accounts, Pots, and external accounts. You can even set it so that it automatically happens every time you get paid.

Feels good to be able to release another highly-requested feature for you :smile:

“How I use Pots for cash stuffing” :honey_pot:

I recently chatted with Melanie*, who uses Pots with the envelope budget method, also called cash stuffing. Check out how she organizes her budget with Pots for the month.
*We changed her name for privacy reasons


Managing your money can be a very personal thing, but you’ve also got support from us and the rest of the Monzo community :muscle:

It’s been one whole year since we started these monthly email updates :partying_face: And we’re still just getting started. You can see all the past updates here in case you missed any.

Let us know what else would make managing your money easier by filling out the feedback form in the app.