Editable text on Apple Pay virtual card

Virtual cards on the Max account are a great idea. However, I have 4 virtual cards, plus a personal account, a main join account and a credit card. I forget which colour virtual card relates to which pot. Can a name (text on the top left of the virtual card in high contract colour to card) be added so when you use Apple Pay you instantly see which card is which by name and not just colour

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No - this is not possible at the moment due to how Apple Pay works. Monzo would need to provision each card in a much more different way, labelling each card as another product.

At the moment, Monzo, Monzo Joint, Monzo Flex, et cetera have different designs as they have been labelled as different cards - if you wanted to do the same for virtual cards, they would have to provision thousands of different ‘products’ to allow for a different design, i.e, the name of the card in the corner.

What I recommend you do - order the cards in Apple Pay by their importance, i.e, household bills, groceries, subscriptions, other expenses. While Apple Pay may provide labelling cards as an option in the future - it is not possible at the moment.

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This has been asked in various forms, it’s not going to happen - Monzo can only upload a certain amount of images for Apple to use

This is side tracking from the original question - but Monzo has already uploaded a variety of different coloured virtual cards, what if you could select a general theme for the virtual card in the app and it could provide you with a virtual card based on that which would have a little icon or symbol in Apple Pay? This way, they aren’t uploading more cards, instead, replacing old ones.

It’s a slippery slope. What if I don’t like that Monzo only have a hatchback shaped icon, what if I want a race car?

Starling do geometric shapes but that’s not much better than colours.