Easy way to donate to charity

How about an easy way to donate to charities, like a list that charities can sign up for which can be searched and categorized with summaries/more info for each charity?

I think I’ve seen something similar in Paypal or something like that.

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I’d imagine this could fit well into monzo’s marketplace or by using IFTTT as a way to move certain pence of a transaction into a pot. This could then be paid to a charity all in one go.

I know people have mentioned charity payments on this forum in the past :slight_smile:

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How will the list of charities be chosen?

I need to make sure the charity for my cat (and for my occasional Deliveroo) is included there too. :upside_down_face:

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What about some sort of feature to easily donate to a charity of the month? Maybe we could vote for which charities are our favourites. I mean some sort of cat charity would generally win :cat:

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Who would choose the charities that we can then choose from? What about a majority of the 700,000 users who are not on these forums? How do they choose? I donate mainly to the Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity. Will it be on that list?

If people wish to donate to whatever charity, most charities have website which allow you to pay. Monzo need to focus on extending the functionality of the banking side of the app.


I was thinking they submit an application to Monzo. Not sure how much oversight would be needed to stop the sham charities but I think it would be really awesome. You could allow things like round up donations.

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It would be great if we were able to set a percentage of our Salary that is paid into Monzo which is donated to charity as soon as it comes in. I know you can do it at some companies but it would make it way more accessible.

I think it would encourage people to get their salaries paid into Monzo as well!

Just create a charity pot, then schedule a deposit into it on a certain date near to when you get paid. EG. the 2nd of each month.

Then periodically log onto your chosen charity website and transfer the funds. You could probably automate this part too :slight_smile:

Or most charities now allow you to setup a direct debit which would be a lot easier.


Someone has already suggested charity pots and I believe they are now in the works. Have a read and cast your vote for it here: