
What are the views of users / Monzo staff around Dominatrix posting on the Monzo twitter feed advertising their Monzo account numbers for their slaves to pay money into their accounts , do people feel this brings Monzo reputation into disrepute ? or is it all acceptable use of Monzo current accounts, would it be OK for pimps etc to receive payments into their Monzo bank accounts through their twitter feeds ?

What kinda people do you follow? :joy_cat: :eyes:


lol I type in Monzo to the twitter search feed and see loads of half naked dominatrix demanding money , lol maybe my browsing history ??? :slight_smile:

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They do this to all popular twitter feeds, not sure what can be done. They get suspended and create another account

Twitter :woman_shrugging:

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block the advertised account number ???

Or get them a business account?


I’ve seen this from working on our social media. It’s cam girls and things like that. I think ultimately as we grow, even if we wanted to address it, it’d be like playing whackamole. I see it often on US accounts with Venmo and Cash App as well. Any app with simple P2P that gets popular will see this kind of thing. I know nothing about the legality of it or anything like that but I doubt anyone will see it and make any kind of judgement about us as a company based on that.


So very true* :eyes:

*Deletes browser history


OMG… they posted bank details and Monzo details separately - that’s strange

for me it says Monzo aren’t bothered about who uses their services for what end , but if Monzo are OK with it and being associated with the services offered on their twitter feed , and ‘slaves’ being taken advantage of by these users, hey ----- :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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People aren’t ‘being taken advantage of’. It’s not illegal. You shouldn’t judge what people do with their own money for their own pleasure.


It’s a fine line, isn’t it? I don’t know who decides as a company if we’re “ok with it”, and if that’s based on any kind of laws of what might be legal and what might not be, and how much anyone’s personal ethics play into it.

I agree with Caspar - I would wager that most of the people who are perfectly fine with sending their money to random people on the internet for their own gratification are probably well aware of what they’re doing, and if they individually want to reach out to us if they see it as a problem and want tools to assist with it then we can build those tools - like Tom mentioned on TV the other day about assisting people who might want to block alcohol or cigarette purchases.


oh I appreciate its not illegal , neither is investing in companies that some see as "unethical " , personally I think Monzo facilitating this service is not …to me … quite …ethical - is prostitution - providing a ‘sexual’ service for payment - “ethical” - would your business want to be associated with that service facilitation ?

lol - Dominatrix block shipped to all Monzo users apps :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I don’t think that’s equivalent. Surely it’s more equivalent to pornography than it is to prostitution. The difference being that the money is going directly to the person creating it.


Most are, knowingly or not.

Just because someone uses a service for something doesn’t mean that service endorses that thing.

That guilty by association line of thinking is also bad for society. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill, and don’t lump monzo or anyone else into the same boat just because of a loose association because someone uses monzo as a bank.

Monzo can be equally against that type of use of their services and also not look like their doing anything about it, but I bet they would if there was a large issue with these people getting money out of others.

The fact is there basically begging/manipulating people for money on the internet, and some people (presumably) are willingly giving them money. There’s nothing in it’s self technically wrong with that. We could all agree it’s not 100% moral, that also doesn’t necessarily mean monzo should be the morality police.

Also I guarantee the vast majority of these people are not dominatrices, there just trying to con people into giving them some money.


Even if it was, I don’t believe that banks should block sex workers from receving funds. That would be overreach, in my opinion. It used to/may still happen a lot in the US. And while I forget the details now, I do know of one person who crowdfunded to cover some medical costs and had the crowdfunding pulled because she was a sex worker, even though the work had nothing to do with the crowdfund. For the company running the crowdfund site used, the association was enough.


Looking forward to my Dominatrix block option! You can only get it taken off if you beg for it?


very good :slight_smile:

This is a really fine line, and as @simonb said, there’s a difference if an individual reaches out and believes they have a problem with this sort of spending.

Being pretty close to the vulnerable customer team I have seen this, less than a handful of times, and we’ve done our best to help those individuals.

I don’t think dictating what our customers can and can’t spend money on is the right way to go - as long as it’s within law.